Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Say Hello to Nova Scotia

Hello to Nova Scotia, our newfound home. It's Wednesday, and I'm in Shelburne at the Southshore Sister's. Doug is in Porters Lake, outside Halifax, installing a roof and windows at John & Laurie's. We like to get around -- the country, that is.

Nat, Josh, Aiden and Sarah left on a jet plane on Sunday morning. Boo hoo -- more tears for Gram Deb. Does it get any easier? I could see Sarah's face when I closed my eyes for a couple of days. I miss my northern babies -- all of them. Doug and I continued on to Nova Scotia. I didn't want to go back to an empty house. After all the people that were in it last week. And Doug had renos to do in Halifax.

Sunday evening we went to a Linda Randle concert in Halifax, and I won a DVD and talked to her afterwards. A sweet woman. I play her a lot on the radio show.

A night at Laurie & John's -- me on an air mattress and Doug on the pull out couch, and it was a great night of sleep, after I got settled down and bounced off the mattress a few times. Laurie took me to Dartmouth in the morning to connect with Doris and her daughter, Michelle, and her new granddaughter, Alice Blue. She's already smiling and she was only nine days old. Michelle says it's because she was postmature. Cute anyway.

Michelle dropped me off at the Halifax Mall, and Sandra drove from Tantallon to pick me up. We drove back to Tantallon, had lunch at Smitty's and I drove her to her home in St. Margaret's Bay. After a short visit to see their torn apart house (they are doing renos, too), I took off for my adventure to Shelburne with Sandra's Audi. Generous people. I felt like I was on a movie or something -- Planes, Trains and Automobiles, but I got to Brenda's about 3:30 on Monday.

All week we have been walking, cooking, eating, tours to the grocery store and the cafe, plus me trying to get rested, which hasn't happened yet. Too much green tea and going to bed too early, I think. We went for a bike ride this afternoon before our dinner of fish on the barbie, potatoes, caesar salad and pavlova. Now Luke is trying to hook up the WiiFIT so we can get fit.

Doug is still in Porters Lake and moving on to Randy & Sandra's when he's finished to help him with renos. I didn't realize this was going to be a separate vacation for us, but I guess that's how it is turning out. Oh well, c'est la vie.

Soon we'll be saying farewell to Nova Scotia.

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