Saturday 13 April 2013

When you can't sleep at night, get up.   Stop lying in bed, tossing and turning, convincing yourself that you are almost asleep.  Why waste your time doing this?  Go to the kitchen, toast an English muffin, eat some cheese and peanut butter, a couple of Calcium and Vitamin D tabs, and a small glass of tonic water for the legs on your body that just will NOT settle down with the rest of your limbs.   Play Scrabble with Ann or Don P. out west who is in a different time zone than you are.  Start working on the book you've been planning to write your whole life.  Why, you should be able to have it completed by morning!  Look around the room.  What else could you do?  Rearrange cupboards?  clean out drawers?  Bake a cake?  Endless possibilities.

Sleep, where are you?  Come to Mama!

1 comment:

Care said...

wow you are productive at night!!! i just turn on the tv. cuz you know i don't like the quiet...and eventually i will fall asleep...