Wednesday 20 October 2010

All is well. Up at 6, to Saint John Regional Hospital to be examined by Dr. Nancy Grant (who I think is also related to me), up to oncology unit to see Almira who feels better today. She is awaiting bone marrow transplant and more chemo. Such a rough ride, but her spirits are good. We stayed about half an hour. Good to see her again.

Over town to Salvation Army again, where we dropped stuff off to Shelly and met a homeless woman again who we blessed with a bit of money. She was overjoyed. And so were we. Home to teach all afternoon and part of the evening, then declutter the RV and bring stuff inside. Now where to put it?

So tired! But a bit of a lay down (5 minutes), and we're off to meet a friend at McDonald's. We can either sit here and relax or down in front of the fake fire.

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