Friday 3 February 2012

The Week

The week has flown by. What have I done? Taught, had a snow day on Wednesday. And preparation for this weekend's retreat at Greenhill Lake. 'Amazing (G)race' is the topic for the weekend. I've been immersed in the topic. Do I understand it? I hope so. Do I have grace myself? I hope so. Do I show grace to others? I hope so. Lots of hope there.

The Southshore Sister told me I haven't been writing much lately. I know. I think it has something to do with being busy, and watching way too many episodes of Heartland on the computer, catching up from season 1. Doug and I are turning into ranch hands here at Claremont.

I'll try to write more. Perhaps if I had an alarm go off at 9 pm each evening, it would remind me. Let me go find my IPad and set an alarm. But will I hear it? "If an IPad goes off in the house and she doesn't hear it, is it still heard?" or something like that.

Back to preparations and on the road again this afternoon....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

See you tonight! I'm so looking forward to this weekend. I NEED it!
