Friday 20 April 2012

Prov 31: 17 She sets about her work vigorously;
her arms are strong for her tasks.

This was a verse I read this morning, and it worked in my life today. Actually this week... At Mom's working on getting their house ready for sale. Painting woodwork, walls, washing walls, moving bins and stuff up and out of the basement, rearranging furniture. Taking deer heads and antlers down (actually, Doug did that)... Stay tuned for a picture of Jed's deer in Cousin C's swingset.

D. helped me this afternoon, peeling wallpaper like a wallpaper warrior. Mom made a fantastic supper for the work crew. Tomorrow after morning Bible study group we will hit the house again and get it in top ship shape (or something like that; I'm rather tired at this point, after having a bunch of random people in the house all evening throwing all sorts of ideas around).

We have fun, anyway. Night Mallory (who is still in the other room talking cell phones with Karen). You guys need to go to bed!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wish I could be there!! You are the number 1 daughter lately...I'll give you that! Lol
Love, S.S.Sis