Wednesday 14 April 2010

Mrs. Hwiggins

Well, she was here again today -- Mrs. Hwiggins, my new secretary. I'm Murphy Brown. Don't know how long she will last. Will she be able to understand the odd tasks I give her? Will she get frustrated and give up? Only time will last. She sat here and entered phone numbers, addresses and emails while I taught child after child in the same room. I'm sure she thinks I'm crazy as I use 'unique' teaching techniques with each young student (ages 5-9). One little girl, Ella, decided to shout LOUDLY when I was teaching her the difference between forte and piano. Scared me, too, so I can imagine it really frightened Mrs. Hwiggins.

Amy, a reader of the blog, emailed me an interesting thought about my new secretary. I'll let her tell you in her own words (she gave me permission):

"I was reading your blog, and the first thought that came to mind was, don't ya feel like a grown-up?

You know when you are little, and you play "house" or "school" or some such "grown-up" game? Everytime I do something "grown-up" for the first time, that was a childhood game I always say, I feel like a grown-up. Like when we got our first car, or the first time we got a babysitter. Or when you get a secretary :) Don't ya feel like a grown-up? We never looked at the "bad" side of being a grown-up when we were kids, like bills and relationship junk etc etc. etc. But once you get through those, you can go back to being the kid that's in all of us and "play" the grown-up game :) So enjoy the game."

Yes, Amy, I definitely feel like a grown-up now that I have Mrs. Hwiggins.

!Murphy Mac

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