Friday 24 September 2010

Revolving Door

Well, it's certainly been a revolving door here at the Soul Cafe. Started Bible study this morning at 10 with a bunch of crazy women (D., D., A., E. S.), then taught Els, Ann and Granny piano. One of the Bobbsey twins picked me up and took me to a cafe in the Brookside Mall, just outside Zellers, my favorite store. She drove me home where K., a new friend from camp, came shortly after to share his life with me (he is young enough to be my son). While he was here, Doug came home, R. arrived, then L., then A. Soon I had us all playing and singing. K. left and S. came. By this time it is after 8 pm, and in came Jon, Alicia, Afton, Jack, Ivy. Then Doug and I left and went to the Superstore for some groceries. They put the grandchildren in bed. We came home and Jon and Alicia left to visit friends. Now it's 10 pm. Is there anyone else that wants to come over?

I love it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Honestly I think of visiting you often when we happen to be in town,usually Sunday, but not sure Jeff would go for it, and I never know if you are actually home! :)
