Tuesday 11 May 2010

Three Days, Three Doctors

Monday (yesterday), I went to Dr. Manesi, the plastic surgeon, about my carpal tunnel syndrome in both wrists, and the tenosynovitis (inflammation) in both wrists. Prescription? Splint the Left wrist and rest it as much as possible. Don't play the guitar. Come back in 4 weeks to see if it is better. If not, inject it with steroids. Then, later, do surgery on the right wrist, which will be incapacitated for 4 weeks. We'll see about that. So, I have been splinting the left wrist all day and all night. Have been pretty faithful with splinting it at night, but it drives me nuts in the day time...oh well, at least I have an arm.

Tuesday (today), I went to Dr. Christie, my OB/GYN for my annual exam. Won't talk about that, if you know what I mean. He said everything looks fine.

Wednesday (tomorrow morning), I go to have a blood test at 10:30, then to Dr. Broad at 11:30. Haven't seen her since December. Pray that my blood is beautiful and better than ever before, and that all is WELL. That my white count is normal; that everything is normal. I can rely on my many prayer partners to pray me through. Thank you!

Must put my splint back on. Doug has a terrible cold this week, so trying to stay away from him, as I have to speak and sing at a retreat in Burtts Corner on Friday night.

Just starting to recover from the past ministry-thon we went through!

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