Wednesday 30 September 2009

A Working Life

It's tiring being a working mother! Or should I say 'working grandmother' now that I don't have children at home? Just adding teaching to my students is taking a bit more out of me, but I love it! I love teaching. Have I mentioned that before? I love children. I love music. I love exercise, too, and my personal trainer is certainly putting me through the paces. I feel stronger every time I go. This is my third week with her. I can bench press 200 lbs! No, just kidding.

Yesterday was a busy day, with the personal training, lunch with Els and Ann at Jack & Andy's (check it out!), teaching, Fredericton Ladies Choir (where I got to be the accompanist for 20 minutes or so, before the real one showed up. I call myself an 'understudy'), and a late dinner at Randy & Sandra's, where she made me devour a huge plate of roast beef at 9 o'clock! Talk about something to eat before you go to bed! I had to take a sleeping pill because I didn't think I'd manage to sleep with that laying on my gut.

Today I stayed put and rested for the morning, and then took off for a walk around Killarney with Jessica, to the Superstore for groceries, and home to teach til 5:30. It felt SO good to teach, and get on the floor with a couple of students and draw music notes and such. I taught piano, guitar and drums today. Doug and I are going to the church tonight to a DVD series. It will be good to just sit and relax and listen.

I ordered a cake today for the Run on Sunday. We will gather here after the run and have our cake and eat it, too. Should be an exciting day.

Doug and I are taking off for the metropolis of Victoria Corner til Saturday with the RV. My aunts used to live there, and I spent a good part of my childhood there, so it will be wonderful to stay there again. Anyone know where Victoria Corner is? It's absolutely beautiful there. We're going to a conference on creation and refuting Darwinism.

My mood has been so much better since last week's doctor visit, and the encouraging news I received. I'm still asking people to pray that my white blood count come up to normal. I know that prayer is the answer to all our problems. I try not to think bad thoughts and try to concentrate on living each day, and looking forward to my days, knowing that God has my future under control. Several times a day, however, the past comes in to haunt me, and I focus on the day and what I'm doing in the moment. I read in a book about cancer that a person that is fearful should concentrate on her breathing. In, out, in, out….there now….calm down. Good advice, and I have certainly done a lot of deep breathing this year. And a lot of praying. God is my refuge, that's for sure. What WOULD I do without Him?

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