Thursday 22 October 2009

Flu Shot Mania

It was a manic day, and it wasn't even Monday. The day started out at 6 AM, when I awoke for the third time in the night. So I decided to go to my office, turn on the fireplace and read. I read Acts 28, where Paul was bitten by a snake and expected to die, but he shook it off and continued on with his life and ministry. Seems to me I read this about a year ago, and today it came to mind again. I want to believe that this passage is for me now – I have been bitten by the snake of cancer and am now through treatment. I need to shake it off and continue on with my life and ministry. So that's what I want to do now.

At 9:30 I went to Smythe Street ladies' Bible study and led music, and then took off to Dr. T's office (Dr. Troy Randall, I call him Dr. T.; he laughs whenever I call him that). Doug met me there. Dr. T. gave me a flu shot and we talked to him a bit about various and sundry things. I think the flu shot made me manic, though, because here's what I did after that:

  • To Tony's Music Box to pick up my Taylor guitar which was in for repairs;
  • A stop by Rick's office at Washburn & Associates;
  • Read's Magazine & Coffee stand for magazines and coffee;
  • Reitmans in Kings Place mall, where I simply stood outside the store and encountered several friends (Ruth, Brenda & G J., Max), and engaged in several conversations (this happens to me in the Superstore as well. Doug thinks I should set up a booth, sort of like Lucy on Charlie Brown. Good idea, Doug. I could charge 5 cents for advice, perhaps. Or I could pay people 5 cents for their advice);
  • In to Reitmans to try on a few clothes that I had put on reserve with the saleslady. This is the same store that Nat & I went to the morning of my benefit concert in May. Well, while I was trying on clothes today, Abba's Dancing Queen song blared over the intercom. I chuckled and felt like dancing. Just for me, I thought – God, you're good! You know I'm in here trying on jeans and you sent my favorite song to me in my favorite store! I bought a pair of hip jeans for a hip dancing queen who likes to dance occasionally;
  • Over to have Bengal spice tea, cheese and apples with one of the Bobbsey Twins at her house, where we had animated discussion. She left me sitting at her counter writing a recipe while she took off in her car on a paper mission. I let myself out after stealing a small chocolate bar from a box on her counter;
  • To Chapters to look for Mitch Albom's new book, but decided it was too expensive, and left with Max Lucado's new book, "Fearless," instead;
  • To Jack & Andy's restaurant to meet Elaine K. for dinner and discuss a mission for young women in Moldova (Russia);
  • To the furniture store to check out a kitchen table and chairs for The Soul CafĂ©;
  • Back to Tony's Music Box, where I called my mother and had her come over in the pouring rain, so I could show her a piano I thought she would like. She came over, played it for awhile and bought it. Michael and I worked on some chord arrangement ideas for Somewhere Over the Rainbow (hey, it's a rainbow…just noticed that; I usually see rainbows every day. Yesterday I saw one in one of my student's eyeglasses, for goodness' sakes!) I always chuckle and smile whenever I see rainbows in strange places. They just keep appearing, like signs from God to me that He will preserve my life. Doug decided he'd had enough – he took off for home. I think he was getting tired of my mania. I stayed and checked out a teaching guitar, talked to Repairman Dave about whether my old guitar could be healed. He didn't think there was much hope for it, so I left with an inexpensive new teaching/traveling guitar (yes, Nat, believe it or not. My old guitar just wasn't working anymore; it wouldn't stay in tune. Jon dropped it and broke its neck years ago). I've had so many guitars since I was 14 that I've lost count. Probably 14 guitars, no doubt. Anyway, Taylor guitar has a new baby sister;
  • Almost twelve hours later, I arrived home, had a shower and donned the PJs.
  • Doug is sleeping in the chair; it must be time for bed soon. I hope I sleep tonight.

    The flu shot made me manic and it isn't even Monday. Tomorrow I need to try and stay home, although I have to go to York Manor at 2 to play the piano for Anglican communion for the seniors. One thing about my life, it's never boring, that's for sure. Good night.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wish I was there to take part in all "the adventures of Deb".

S.S. Sis