Tuesday 20 July 2010

Practical Project

I have a practical project you may want to help me with. I have been teaching the Bible at Samaria House every Monday morning to young women (25 years old) who are drug addicts and trying to get off drugs.
One of the young women there recently received an ambulance bill for $672. from the NS government. One night she was suicidal and at the last minute called for help, thus the bill. However, she has no extra money to pay for this bill, and I told her to give it to me and that I would ask my friends and would raise the money to pay the bill.

She is very grateful and her face lit up when I told her that 'we would take care of it.'

So, I'm asking for your help if you can give it. You can make a donation to
Nomad Ministries Inc. if you wish to help (tax receipt given). I will be sending a cheque this
week and praying that the money will come in to take care of this. I've
raised $55.00 thus far, plus what Doug and I will put in. If any of you
want to donate, I would appreciate it. And I am making a list of those who
donate and will give it to the young woman so she will know your names.

My address in case you want to mail a cheque:
105 Claremont Drive
Fredericton NB
E3A 1E7

Thanks, partners....

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