Thursday 8 July 2010

Sweet Potato Head and Pedicures

Today I once again did numerous things, and at this hour, not sure of everything I did. Remember doing radio show (of course), and working on the database at the station for over an hour. Having a small fries and an iced cafe mocha on the way to my pedicure. Receiving a wonderful pedicure and "Moon over the River Kwai" or something like that nail polish on my toes. Felt like going to sleep for awhile there, but didn't. To the credit union to meet Doug and get a line of credit in case we see a Jeep pop up somewhere. Went to the Superstore twice today because I forgot the ingredients for a cherry cheesecake I will be making on Saturday. Jon is turning 30 years old and that is one of his favorite things. On my second trip to the Superstore, I noticed an older woman who was dressed in a flowered long skirt, talking to the fishmonger. I glanced into her cart and thought I saw the head of a baby lying on a black blanket. I thought it very unusual that a woman that old would have a baby just lying around in a cart, however. On a double take glance, I realized that the 'head' was a sweet potato lying against a black 'green' shopping bag. I started to laugh out loud, and as I passed her, I did a triple take back to see if I had seen correctly, because I was almost convinced that that sweet potato was a baby's head. The eyes really do play tricks on a person, do they not? Probably the extreme heat today played havoc on my brain. 45 degrees in Fredericton with the humidex!

I'm getting ready to go to Greenhill Lake Camp next week. I am camp pastor, so you probably won't hear from me next week unless I get on the camp computer. Would appreciate your prayers. I've been gathering props for my daily presentations of the gospel. I have three Woody's (Toy Story) hanging from my cupboard doors right now so I won't forget them, and sheep, Gumby, toy cars, Pokey, toy chainsaw, markers, books, toy box, and so on. I need a separate prop trailer just to haul my props. I have some strange ideas when I do children's ministry, but they usually do the job and the kids get my point and have a lot of laughs. Me, too. I love children. Have I ever mentioned that? And six grandchildren soon to be by the end of January 2011. Thank you, God. I love people, too. And I love you.

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