Saturday 29 January 2011

Doug is on his way home from building. I spent a considerable amount of time preparing this morning. Cousin W came over with some gluten-free cookies that he bought at the market. Yum! Thanks for your thoughtfulness, W. People are so good to me.

Needed a break, so I went to my favorite store (Z) and bought a pair of dress shoes and a pair of sneakers under $60. total. Imagine! What would we do without Zellers? I hope Target doesn't change anything. I found another kindred spirit who also loves Zellers as much as I do -- Louise. We went on and on about the store a couple of weeks ago. She's coming over tonight and I'm sure we'll rant some more after I tell her of my buys.

To Granny & Jed's to play Scrabble. Jed decided to join us and guess what??? He won! With a little help from Granny, but at least he played. He's so cute. Kept drawing at least 9 tiles every turn it seemed. Final score: Jed 192; Granny 183; Deb 170. Imagine, my two older parents beating me! Oh, the humility of it all. I hang my head in shame. No, I don't. Move on, Deb, move on. You'll try harder next time. Ann & Don in Saskatchewan, can you believe it?

Went to the Superstore and talked up a storm with Sally and then Leah. I really should open a booth at the Superstore. Doug has always thought that.

Home to cook up a bunch of stuff: Pizza, hamburger for Doug, applesauce, cookies, and something to take to Angie's tomorrow.

Doug the builder just got home. You should see him - he is black with grease. I can hardly see his face. Soap works well, Doug. Go to the shower and I'll then come to the feeding trough.

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