Monday 17 January 2011

Get Fit

I took a trip in the country this morning -- out to Durham, to my physiotherapist. What a beautiful ride. She fixed me up. My back goes out about three times a year. I have many therapists, it seems. Thank God for people who can fix us, right? Had some lunch at D's and off to the gym with Dennis for my new round of physical training. Feels good but hurts and I'm out of shape. I know this is going to help. I felt stronger when I left the gym and this was my first day. I'm in a rehabilitation program of my own making and I'm determined to get fit. You know, when I turned 49, my motto for age 50 was "Fit at 50," and then I found out I had breast cancer. I can't even believe it to this day -- that I went through what I went through. It seems like a dream to me, a very unpleasant nightmare, even though many wonderful things happened.

Now I'm 51 and my motto is still "Fit at 50" -- this decade of the 50's. Agree with me, will you? Perhaps I'll inspire some of you to be fit at whatever decade you're going through.

Must go teach students to be fit at music now.

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