Saturday 5 March 2011

Hazy Lazy Saturday

We got up this morning with intentions to clean the house, but that did not happen. I put my back out and Natalie didn't feel up to snuff, so we sat in the kitchen and finished a game of Scrabble that we started yesterday. Nat likes to play Scrabble with me because I take such a long time to develop a word so she can do what she calls "Scrabble chores" in between plays. She actually gets a lot done. I sat with a pillow behind my back and have been on muscle relaxants all day long. Needless to say, I didn't go to the gym today, but was on the floor and in a rocking chair all day, trying to right my back.

It is now evening and we are on our third Scrabble game. The games last several hours, as we have to do kid duties every so often, plus the Scrabble chores. Here are the scores of the day (I like to record these for posterity):

Game #1 (which started on Friday): Natalie - 203.....Deb 317. Notable words in the game included "doodlers" which netted Natalie 72 points on her first play; "bane" (x2); "mural," "suave," "latke," "foxy,", "ani,", "hefted," for you Scrabble players out there who would like to use our words. A couple of other interesting words were played as well. LOL

Game #2 Natalie -- 199......Deb 288.

I would say the clear winner would be Mama Bear. Natalie says she plays to get rid of her letters and I play to win. We enjoy this activity as we spend some quality time together, amidst the children duties.

Doug and I spent some time on the floor in the living room after lunch with our feet up on chairs to take the strain of our backs. It's hard to function with bad backs. Perhaps we should start traveling with a physiotherapist. Any takers? We would provide you an interesting life, but not much pay, perhaps just room and board and an occasional DQ sundae, on Sunday nights only.

Must go get ready to retire.


Anonymous said...

I'm not much of a physiotherapist...but I like the idea of DQ on Sundays!!

Love, S.S. Sis

Anonymous said...

Oh, I can do a MEAN massage!!
