Tuesday 8 March 2011

Quiet Day

It's been a quiet day so far, and I hope it remains that way. Yesterday was a bit of a struggle with Aiden. Probably regressing a bit as the new sibling is here. He went to preschool today and his teacher said he wasn't himself. As I write, Natalie, Aiden and Sarah are all in bed. Doug is downstairs crackfilling (or 'mudding' in the west). I just came back from a long winter's walk. The weather wasn't quite so frightful outside, only a minus 4, so I strapped on my clodhoppers and very large full length western jacket and travelled quite a ways, through a bit of the town and then out on the snowmobile trails on Halcrow Lake. So peaceful. No sounds other than an occasional dog barking. It seems like no one lives here in The Pas. You see cars traveling the main streets, but on the side streets you hardly ever see anyone outside or coming out of their houses. I wonder if many people only come here in the summertime? Or perhaps they are just working when I'm out walking.

The sun is high and bright on the frozen tundra. I always find the sun brighter in the west. Felt that way in Saskatchewan when I lived there as well. As I walked along the community path, carved into the snow by a four-wheeler of some sort, I noticed some carving in the snow. I stopped and paused to look at it. I was facing the frozen lake. The carving in the snow read, "In your mouth = PEACE." I had to figure that one out, but I assume it meant that I was looking at the mouth of the lake perhaps, and that it was very peaceful. So I stood there for a few minutes with my arms crossed and decided that carver was right. It IS very peaceful here. The people are quiet and soft spoken as well -- both the 'white' people and the 'native' people. A calm people. A bit hard for a boisterous Maritimer to understand, although I really do have a quiet side, you know.

Nat calls me the CCBW -- "chief cook and bottle washer," and that I truly am. We're counting down the days now til our departure, and once again, dreading it. She's wondering how she'll do without us here. I told her she'll do just fine. That all mothers make it, and that I'm only a phone call away. Although my arms and legs are not! I wish I had my own private jet and could jet all over the world, helping people out. God? You there listening?

Well, I must go wake up the baby or something. It's way too quiet in here!

Or maybe I'll sit in the sun in the kitchen and read about writing. Got a good book from the library on the subject, and since I like to write, which shall I do? Only time will tell.

PS: I actually finished a book while I've been here which I would highly recommend -- historical fiction novel by Angela Ewell Hunt, "The Silver Sword." I'm on the second one in the series. Strange for me to actually finish a book in its entirety.

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