Wednesday 11 November 2009

Last year on November 10th, I was wondering how I was going to hang on to my life. This November 10th (yesterday) was filled with music activity from morning til night:

- Playing with recording software, in preparation for this weeks' segments (my music);
- A blood test at the hospital (not too musical);
- A half hour on the bike at the gym (watched TV, music on that);
- To the radio station twice for sound checks and work on current hits on the database (southern gospel music);
- Teaching 'classical' piano to students;
- Fredericton Ladies' Choir to sing for two solid hours. By the end of it, I sounded like Marge Simpson (Christmas music);
- I ended up at band practice in a darkened room with a stage at Musicplex practicing for a Christmas party for Doug's work.  I felt like a rock diva, and sang backup for one of the girls, play an 'egg,' as well as crooned a rendition of 'I Will Sail My Vessel' by Garth Brooks on my guitar. I wanted to laugh out loud as I stood there singin' harmony and rockin' to the loud music in this random room I found myself in from 9-10 pm with people I didn't know. I realized that when I was sixteen, driving around in my father's car singing to the 'hits' on the radio, that my dream of singing harmony/back-up had been fulfilled, and I smiled -- 'Cool.'  

Then I came home and worked on yet more music on the computer. A musical filled day -- that's me. One of my students, Lianne, whom I still teach, said to me, "You are MUSIC, Mrs. Mac." Yes, I think I am.

A lot different day than this day last year, I'll tell you. Praise God. I made it through the day. And Doug is in Grand Manan.

Thanks to Carolyn, our webmaster/partner for putting the radio spots on the website for you to listen to if you are unable to catch them live.... ( And thanks to Nurse Cherry, Dancer Laurie and Doris for feeding me ideas and writings for me to incorporate into the 'mini-shows.' I'm reminded of the 'Bugs Bunny Show' that I LOVED to watch when I was young. Remember how Bugs always said, "Now..stay tuned for the show...." Cool, eh? Stay tuned, stay in tune....

Have a great day!

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