Tuesday 3 November 2009

New Beginnings

I'm trying to stay awake after a busy four days away at Greenhill Lake Camp womens' retreat. When you're at retreat, you are in a bubble. It's like the rest of the world doesn't exist. I cooked, cleaned, did dishes, registration, handled money, listened to the conference speaker (Anne Grant), and did not sleep much. It was a great weekend for me personally, as I released a LOT of emotion concerning this past year, and gained hope for the future. I cried many healing tears over the weekend, and my friends were there to hug me and encourage me. Isn't that what friends are for? I was even asked to go to Bahamas next April and speak at a womens' conference, which really blessed my heart.

Nurse Cherry and I cleaned up the lodge and cabins today. I worked for a few hours in the kitchen and she stripped beds that we had made for 20 women from the Bahamas that attended the retreat. We packed everything into the Cherrymobile and headed for town. But as we entered into Keswick (wherever that is), I instructed Cherry to pull the mobile into a parking lot and we entered a church to find Janet White #1's 'chickens' (as she refers to this group of wild and wonderful women) having coffee, muffins and vegetables. We decided we were hungry, and took advantage of this free fare, and indulged our aching bellies. The chickens were so gracious to allow these two nomadic cleaners to partake of their café offerings. Alas, we were unable to connect with Janet White #1, as she was late for the luncheon, and I'm still looking for my elusive friend. I hope she will call me before she goes to Israel this month. I want to tell her that I want to be a chicken, too.

Cherry and I continued on to unload food and laundry galore at Jessica's house and finally to my house. Heated up some soup, had lunch at 3 o'clock, and off Nurse Cherry went back to Europe. She called later and said it took her about 15 minutes to get there. Wow, what a car she has. Honestly.

I taught three students and literally flew to choir. By this time, I am bordering on tiredness and grabbed the first coat I could find, along with my Birkenstock sandals. I squeaked out the second soprano parts and felt like I swallowed a box of chalk the whole evening. Beth commented on my apparel as we walked out of the school, that she had never seen a person wear a coat with fur and sandals before. Well, there's always a first time, and I wanted to be the first.

I really need to go to bed, and I've been saying that a lot lately. But first, I must go down to the kitchen and see if there is any food there for me to eat. Perhaps one of the Keswick chickens will be there preparing a snack for me. You never know. In spirit, anyway. Thanks, girls, for your hospitality today.

This weekend was one of new beginnings. I felt it in my spirit, and this morning when Nurse Cherry and I started our day of cleaning demolition on the camp premises, we heard birds singing as if it was spring, and the weather was spring like as well. I had a spring in my step and felt like my joy is returning.

Praise God for new beginnings. I was so happy that I gave a parting gift to Mrs. Flick Flack – a pan of apple crumble. I love giving parting gifts, and if you've been the recipient of one of them, you know that they tend to be strange (e.g., like when I gave Angie a microwave last winter?) Now I'm rambling again, and I have ten thousand thoughts in my head of stuff to do and people to see, so I'll go make some cinnamon toast and go to bed.

!Deb of New Beginnings


Unknown said...

I can't believe you were at our Bible study and I missed you because I was late that day ! Glad the chickens fed you !

Anonymous said...

And indeed the apple crumble is very delicious....had some last night. Thanks !Deb of the New Beginning.

Mrs. Flick FLack