Friday 28 January 2011

Fabulous Friday

Doug brought me coffee in bed early this morning. Coffee hot, cup warmed -- to my bedside. He's such a sweetie.

Went to Dr. Plastic this morning for him to check out my hand. Healing nicely, but scar tissue feels like lump in hand. Massage it out, he told me. I'll get Julie to do that, my new massage therapist, Sandra's daughter. Home by 9:30 to turn on the coffee for the girls who come to study. Romans 6 -- finished it this morning. Amazing. Word of the day: EMANCIPATION -- 'to free.'

Taught Els and Ann and Granny their piano lessons. Mrs. Hwiggins worked upstairs in my office, trying to alphabetize my library. She doesn't think my working conditions are up to par. Too cold in the office, so I turned the fireplace on and closed her in. I hope she doesn't call the labour board on me. Verna was downstairs cleaning up the coffee break from the morning. I fixed some thing on her computer, and we had lunch. I rushed off to the gym, where Dennis put me through the mill, even running and up and down the stairs two steps at a time -- "have good form, keep elbows close, you're climbing the stairs like you're a wild woman!" I am a wild woman, I replied. "Do you feel that?" he asked, as I panted. Do I feel that? Are you crazy? I playfully slapped him across the face, lightly of course. I feel like I'm getting my strength back.

Then I took off down to Laureen's mop top hair shop (Shear Magic), way down yonder in White's Cove (down past Jemseg). I know, I know, a long way to travel to get my hair done. A 50 minute drive, through Maugerville, Sheffield, towards Cambridge Narrows, the Reardon Road, and Voila! I was lookin' at Grand Lake...the old road before they built the new superhighway. She overlooks the lake. She has a beautiful little shop. So if you want to get your hair cut, coloured, curled, pouffed (is that a word?), eyebrows waxed, buy lovely hair products, or mustache tinted (for those men out there), and many other things (this is just what I noticed on the sign).... Anyway, she tried to make me beautiful, and now I have a new do. 50 minutes home to show my new head to Doug, make a pizza omelette and talk on the phone. It's almost 9 and I haven't eaten my dinner yet.

Doris just called from Florida. She is sleeping, reading, knitting and going for walks on the beach. How nice is that?

Aiden left his first message on the phone: "Papa?" etc and a bunch of other words. How cute is that?

Now, I really must eat. Eating is good.. Thanks, Laureen, for the new hair.

1 comment:

Laureen said...

Just for the record...Shear Delight Hair Styling not Shear Magic, Deb.
Does Doug still think your hair still looks like the 60's? Hope not:) See you next weekend! Can't wait.