Friday 9 January 2009

"Faith is the assurance of things not seen but hoped for, the conviction of things not seen" (Heb 11:1).

My exercise program this morning consisted of what I'm calling 'prayer exercise' and interpretive dance to a Hillsongs CD. If you haven't listened to Hillsongs (from Australia), you are missing something. Sometimes when you can't pray like you used to, you can 'pray dance.' It came to me this morning – since I love to dance, why not dance every morning that I'm able? So, I did – in the music room, in front of the Christmas tree, with all the lights. I took my glasses off because I was crying and it was even more beautiful; if you're myopic, you'll know what I mean.

What a sense of freedom I had, slowly exercising my temporarily disabled arms (one with a PICC line, one attached to a mastectomy). I danced, I cried out to God to help me through this pain and this process – "Don't leave me, don't leave me!" I know He won't, but I needed to say it. I am so weak apart from His strength. I can do all things through Christ who will strengthen me. He loves me forever; that I know. Then I decided that I better start getting in shape if I'm going to run in The Run for the Cure with the Team Dancing Queen in October. (Did you know it's going National?). So, I ran up and down the stairs six times before my legs gave out and I thought I should stop – no one here to pick me should I find myself in a heap at the bottom of the staircase. I'll try and increase that personal best over time.

Well, I became radioactive once again this afternoon. That's twice this week. Too bad there wasn't a Shoppers Drug Mart in the hospital, perhaps I could set off an alarm or two. Had lunch with Doug in the Rehab dining room (very romantic), then had a wee rest in a chair. Went over to visit K., a co-worker from the past, while waiting for the dye to run through my precious veins. We had a wonderful chat. She encouraged me so much when I worked with her years ago. I was going through 'stuff' then, major 'stuff,' and she was there for me. She's still here for me now, still encouraging me. I love her and thank God for her. Everyone should have their own "K."

Down to Nuclear Medicine at 2:30 for bone scan – no moving for half an hour, in very tight quarters. X-ray machine parts within 3 inches of your face and body. Breathe, breathe – not claustrophobic are we? No…. just pray and sing songs in your mind and try to nap. Results in a week to 10 days. OK, you prayin' people out there – pray – no cancer anywhere, right? There, tests are done for the week – now I'm all ready for chemo. I was thinking of the hospital this afternoon as the "Big Ship Lollipop" for some reason. Am I Shirley Temple? Perhaps. And that when I go in for chemo on Monday, that li'l Shirley Mac is going in to get some 'candy' in the Big Ship Lollipop. What are the rest of the words of that song, anyway? I have strange ideas come into my mind, I know. God has wired me strangely.

Doug and I went to Sobeys to get some strange foodstuffs for next week – Skittles (green ones are good for nausea), Pepsi (let it go flat), candied ginger slices, papaya, apricots, etc. I feel like I'm going on an odd vacation and packing odd things to take with me.

Now we're off to see the OT Director and husband. She is serving us dinner this evening. I wonder if she'll serve roast beef.

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