Thursday 29 January 2009

My new song: "I Have a Goal"

I had a goal – work on my accounting books. I started yesterday at noon. The Monitor came to monitor my progress; to ensure that I did what I said I was going to do. She stood with an old yardstick in hand like an old school marm, gently tapping the floor. “Get to work,” she barked occasionally. I tried to work, but Mom arrived to sew me a bandana or two. The optometrist’s office called. “We have a cancellation, come on down.” So on down I went, to have an eye exam, glaucoma test and look for new glasses (I haven’t had a new eyeglass prescription in eight years). Two fashion consultants arrived, opinions in tow. I had asked them to come. I got brave and took off my head covering and wandered around the eyeglass shop, trying on whatever would fit, which was a challenge. Apparently my head is small. I didn’t know that. Doug arrived and through the process of elimination – and cost concerns, I finally held up the pair I had chosen – “This is it!” I shouted. Oh, the boldness of it all. To show your bald head in public is not easy, but hey, what is easy about life? Just another thing. It’s just my head. So what if I don’t have hair for now? Lots of people don’t have hair. Look at Doug, for instance. He’s cute.

The evening was spent eating Boston bluefish and smelts for supper at the local cookhouse, and home again to recline in the healing chair.

Today, I woke with good intentions again – work on the books. I’m tired of saying it, but will be saying it until I get them done. I have a lot to do. Started out with Pilates exercise, my new favorite love, and running up and down the stairs a few times to get the old ticker racing. Somewhere along the way of exercising (which was gentle in nature), I hurt my lower back and spent several times throughout the day lying on my back on the floor. You try to do something for your body in order to get in shape, and then you put your body back out of shape. What gives, anyway? I am determined to get in shape by the time I’m 50 in late August. “Fit at 50” is my goal and I will get there!

The Monitor came again to make sure I was working. However, she didn’t work – she went upstairs and went to sleep. What kind of a monitor is that? I worked and studied government documents for a couple of hours, in order to know how to do my books properly. I felt lawyerish and accountish, just like I used to. Lunchtime was a weird concoction of egg and cheese and English muffin. Then a most wonderful surprise came to my door….

Cousin P. and Racecar Amy had trekked from the extreme southside of the city to see me. I haven’t seen P. since the day of the Tale of Two Believes. I haven’t seen Racecar Amy for several years. She took one look at me and said, “You missed me, right?” “Yes, Amy, I did miss you. Did you miss me?” I took P. on a tour of my house. In the laundry room, she made considerable mention of the stash of towels I have acquired over the years. I gave her towels and facecloths to go. She said she only had four towels; that you only use one at a time, why would she need more? I guess she’s right. I like to give parting gifts to people – something eclectic from my house. Remember the microwave I gave to Angie?

Anyway, when we got downstairs, P. presented me with an iPod Touch! What a trade – towels for technology! Brilliant, I think. I said to P., “You’re kidding! I can’t believe this!” “Well, you said you wanted one, and I couldn’t bring you a half ton truck or a dog, even though I have three half tons in my yard,” she exclaimed. “Yes, I did want one,” I replied, “but I didn’t think anyone would take me seriously!” Eat your heart out, policeman son.

We had a wonderful visit and off they went. Amy took a picture of me on her cell phone. Probably so she won’t forget me. I forgot when I looked at it that it would be a bald picture. Sometimes I forget and then I look at myself. Oh well… Back to the books, except we needed to take a picture of the iPod Touch for the record. So I threw on a tam and the Monitor took my picture.

After I took off the cap, she noticed that I had red fuzz all over my head, which actually looked like blood. I decided to have some fun with this and try to fool Doug when he came home. By this time I was tired and my back was hurting, so I went to lie down on the hard floor. After a few minutes of non-rest, the doorbell rang. I went and opened the door, not a thing on my head, except the red fuzz, which I forgot was there, and greeted this man who was offering to remove snow from my roof. He gave me his card and looked at me strangely. I thought it was just because I had no hair. I went to lie down again. A few minutes into resting again, I started to laugh hilariously, as I realized he would have seen the ‘blood’ all over my head. He was probably wondering, “What is SHE all about? Maybe I should offer to take the ‘stuff’ off her head instead of her roof.”

Doug came home. I stood in front of him, hoping to fool him. He asked why I had red fuzz all over my head. Oh, Doug, what are you talking about?

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