Monday 13 April 2009

Well, I'm back on line. The weekend was full – of activity and people. Good Friday was spent with babies walking, crawling, playing everywhere, the girls making pie, Doug and Jonathan working on the RV, and general mayhem. Friday evening was spent having discussions about life, family, childrearing, and various and sundry topics with Jon, Alicia, and Natalie. I am thankful that we can share so deeply with each other. The night was quite uneventful, what with so many of us sleeping in Gram Deb & Papa's little house in the Pines. Saturday was wonderful as we prepared to go to Great Grammie's for Easter dinner. I spent time outside with Afton and Jack raking leaves, allowing them to help me (so to speak), and Jonathan and I played catch, then broom ball with a tennis ball in the driveway. It was quite a little work out for me, but for the chance to play ball with my 28-year-old married son – who wouldn't jump at that chance? He won – 3 to 2. Natalie went to Grammie's early to help her prepare and set the tables. The rest of us stayed home until it was time to go for dinner. David and Shelly and family came to visit for awhile.

Easter dinner was wonderful, with Doug's parents joining us as well. Mom and Natalie did a great job on the meal and the table setting. We spent the afternoon relaxing and baby watching – there was always someone to look at. I read several books to Afton, and she read several to me. I was extremely tired, but then again – which is more important – going to bed or spending quality time? I chose the latter. After the second round of dessert, we tried to play Catch Phrase. Afton started crying because she couldn't read and had a bit of a hissy fit (she wanted to read the definitions and play the game, too, but she's only 4, and is somewhat limited in her reading vocabulary, although we couldn't reason with her on that). Jack, Ivy and Aiden were also very vocal and active, so we yelled out clues to each other over the mayhem, laughing all the way. What a circus! Needless to say, it was quite a game and no one won. Jon, Alicia and kids left early Saturday evening to travel home. We hope to see them again next weekend. We love being together as a family. I am thankful for family and friends.

Sunday, Doug and I went to church. I played the last song, In Christ Alone. I played the piano with all my heart and sang with the worship team. I love the last verse…

No guilt in life, no fear in death—
This is the pow'r of Christ in me;
From life's first cry to final breath,
Jesus commands my destiny.
No pow'r of hell, no scheme of man,
Can ever pluck me from His hand;
Till He returns or calls me home—
Here in the pow'r of Christ I'll stand.

We went to D & L's for another Easter dinner, and then to Sunset Church in the evening for Ransom, an Easter musical drama.

Sunday night was a rough night again, with Aiden up for 1 ½ hours. He is teething again. This morning, Natalie went to the gym and I kept Aiden while she was gone, although he slept most of the time. I'm in a 'decluttering' mood – spring must be here, and I've been ruthless the last couple of days in my quest for decluttering, especially magazines. Where DO they all come from? Becky, our long lost adopted daughter, dropped by to see Natalie and visit. I made them guacamole and they had a veritable feast at the table, and shared a few laughs before she had to make her way back to Moncton. Nat and Becky have been friends since infancy. Now, I'm in the chair again, resting. I always seem to have great plans for the day, but never enough energy to carry out those plans. Perhaps I'll try and finish one of the hundred books I'm reading (I find it hard to stick with one book). Aiden is in the playpen, watching Baby Einstein, Doug is in the lazy burgundy chair, nodding off, and Natalie is definitely not being lazy – I hear the vacuum whirring upstairs. She told me a few minutes ago that tonight, if we're not too tired, we will make a card. That is one of our projects while she's home, and now that the card making supplies are all organized, shouldn't it be easy? Natalie just walked by – she looks like she's real serious about cleaning. "Yes, it's Monday," she replied. You're right – it is….just another manic Monday.

Here's a quote from one of the books I'm trying to finish (A New Kind of Normal):

Revealing our weaknesses helps others feel connected to us. Fully understanding and unconditionally loving us shabby humans, Jesus shows up best in our weakness. He shines brightly through the cracks in our flawed armor. …Brenda Waggoner

I know I have revealed enough weaknesses over these past five months. You must feel connected to me by now! Jesus, shine on through my cracked armor.

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