Wednesday, 30 December 2009
"HOPE" -- Jaylene & Stefan's baby
Dear Deb,
What we would like your listeners and readers to know is, that I am twenty two weeks pregnant and our baby girl has been diagnosed with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. Please ask them to pray for the Lord to heal the stenosis in her left ventricle and to also heal the two too small chambers of the left side of her heart Himself. Please ask them to pray that we don't get anymore bad or devastating news from the doctors we are about to see. It is my hope that they tell us that God has touched her heart and there is no longer any damage! Please pray that the damage does not get any worse, just that it gets better. If it is not His will to heal her, then please pray that the doctor's can help Hope in utero, or that she can have a successful three surgery process that can make her heart be normal. Please pray for guidance and peace for her daddy and me. He is the God or miracles, what a testimony Hope Ruth will have if He decides to heal her Himself. We believe in miracles, do you? God Bless, Jalene and Stefan Matthews
Nurse Cherry's 'Report'
Don’t doubt the Lord and His words to you, even if you don’t understand right then or it doesn’t seem to make sense.
On Sept. 16/09 the Lord sent a word to me through a person who was praying for me—he said during the prayer “you have a care---heavy on your heart---that will soon disappear ---a family member perhaps.
At the time of this prayer it didn’t make sense to me. But I held onto the word in my heart.
On Oct. 19 my mom had a breast biopsy. That afternoon as I was driving to mom’s house, a song came on the Christian radio station. I don’t know the name of it but as it was playing I knew it was significant. It had a line in it that said “you don’t always get a chance to say goodbye”. I felt encouraged by this. Then that evening at my house, when I was getting ready to start supper I looked out the window in my kitchen and saw a full rainbow. I remember saying out loud “thank you Lord, you are showing me something, I know. A sign of hope”.
Such overwhelming peace started that day. Phil.4:7 says‘the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus’. Verse 9 says ‘and the God of peace will be with you’.
This is so true. I have never had such peace in my whole life. At a time when in the natural I could have been crying and losing sleep, instead, I had so much peace that I felt like laughing hysterically. Beyond my wildest imagination! As each Dr’s appointment, surgery date and result time came the peace continued. So many people were praying for us. Now when you have peace like this, you know that God has supplied it.
On Dec. 7 the first results came in- no lymph node involvement, cancer well contained and removed, no chemo required. Mom told the Dr. “I could hug your neck”. This result was like an early Christmas present.
Dec. 23 was the bow on the present. She does not require any further treatment. The radiation oncologist told her she shouldn’t say “I have cancer but I had cancer”. He said “we will just keep an eye on you for the next 5 years”.
Now, through all of this, we know that the Lord has had His eye on her and His fingerprints have been all over her diagnosis. You see, she is 74 years old and mammograms are not routinely offered to women her age, you have to ask for one. But God had her Dr. order one. Mom didn’t know you have to ask for one after age 69. Remember the verse in Ps. 31:15 that says “ my times are in Thy hand”? Mom has told the Drs the Lord has had a hand in all of this. I know it. And at the start of all this, that is exactly where I placed Mom--- in His hands and I left her there!
And now, the care has quickly disappeared as was prophesied. Praise the Lord from Whom all blessings flow.
Cheryl (aka Nurse Cherry)
Thank you...Cheryl....Praise God is right!
Tuesday, 29 December 2009
Happy Holidays!
Anyway, the coffee is brewing, and I will be heading off to the radio station in a bit, but thought I would post for a few minutes. Tomorrow (Wed), we go to Saint John to get Natalie and Aiden at the airport (3 pm). Would appreciate your prayers for their safe travel, as they travel from The Pas to Winnipeg, Winnipeg to Halifax, and Halifax to Saint John. Aiden is not yet 2 years old, and of course is 'active,' to say the least. Pray for peace and calm on the flights (the airplane AND Aiden!) and the best flights ever! We are so excited that she is coming home again -- her visit THIS time is "just because," and not because of my health. We thank God for His goodness to us.
The radio show is off and running as of yesterday, and will evolve as I get in 'the groove.' My coffee is 'a brewin,' so must run and sit down. Hope you're enjoying the beautiful snow that is falling this morning. Papa Doug is upstairs snoring away.
Thursday, 24 December 2009
Christmas Memory
Rick Green (CJRI) called me today and asked me to write a special Christmas memory, which will be aired later today on the station. Here it is:
I have many special Christmas memories, but I think the one I love the most is this:
When my grandparents on my mother's side were still living, we would gather together during Christmas week and share a potluck meal and exchange gifts. All my aunts and uncles and cousins were in the house – what a time of happy confusion!
Sometime during the evening, Aunt Muriel would start to 'tickle the ivories' and that piano would ring out, calling us to SING!
We would gather 'round the piano and croon carols and Christmas songs for a couple of hours – with four part harmony, as aunts, uncles and cousins sang the old favorites of the season.
I especially liked "Silver Bells," "Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire," and "Winter Wonderland." I still remember how beautiful our voices sounded as we sang
into the night. And I treasured every note . We were and still are a family that loves to sing. I thank God for that memory and the gift of SONG.
!Deb and !Doug
Tuesday, 22 December 2009
Hi -- I just received a call from Jalene Matthews, a dear friend in Campobello.
Jalene is 5 months pregnant, and she and her husband, Stefan, just found out yesterday that her baby (girl) has hypoplastic left heart syndrome. This is a VERY SERIOUS CONDITION.
They will be meeting with a doctor in Portland, Maine the first week of January as to whether surgery is possible when the baby girl is born (4 months from now). The doctor asked Jalene if they would consider aborting the baby now, but they said an emphatic, “NO!”
She called me this morning, very upset, asking for prayer. She wants as many people to know as possible, so I told her I would send out an email to the prayer warriors. She also asked me to put it on the blog and wherever. I reminded her that GOD IS IN CONTROL and to keep her head, not panic, and to pray. To stand as in 2 Chronicles 20 (like I did last year when going through all my treatments; the battle is not hers, but the LORD’s!).
Pray for wisdom for the doctors, that this baby be HEALED in utero, that when she is BORN, that the heart WILL BE THE NORMAL SIZE. Right now, she is living off her mother. Pray and imagine that left ventricle growing to normal as you pray for this sweet little girl yet unborn, but LIVING!
Pray that God would over-ride any news given by the doctors (I know this to be true!).
Pray for peace for Jalene and Stefan — that they will realize that God is in control; to not panic but to remain calm; to stand and see the deliverance of the LORD in this situation; to praise and thank Him for His healing of their little girl.
Jalene’s email is
PLEASE PUT THIS SITUATION IN FRONT OF YOU FOR THE NEXT FEW MONTHS AND PRAY! (on your fridge, your mirror, wherever you will be reminded to pray for these dear people).
Thank you...
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome is a rare congenital heart defect in which the left side of the heart is severely underdeveloped. (You can 'Google' it for more information).
It was the Longest Day
Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities
English novelist (1812 - 1870)
Ann reminded me today that yesterday (Dec 21st) was the SHORTEST day of the year, not the LONGEST, as I stated. Well, like Charles Dickens, it was the longest day, yet the shortest day in my world.
First Day of Winter
I remember that today is the second anniversary of Duane White, our dear friend and beloved husband of Janet White #1. I pray that she has felt the peace of God today as she remembers her love, her 'honeybee,' as she calls him. My heart and prayers are with you, Jan. Talk to you soon.
Good night again, Jude...
Party Hearty
Nice seeing you today at the post office and giving you a couple of hugs, and seeing your look-alike daughter. It's nice when our daughters resemble us, isn't it? My daughter is coming home in just over a week. Hard to believe. It seems like forever when I stood in her driveway in The Pas and we cried our eyes out as we parted. And now to think God has made a way for her to come home, with Aiden in her papoose.
Had a party tonight. Think I told you that today, that I was planning for a party, after I went to the radio station. Lots of munchies, including strawberries dipped in icing sugar -- that a was hit, and almost burnt Shortbread cookies (my second attempt to get them perfect failed, yet they are delish, as Gloria told me tonight). Attendants at tonight's party were: Harry & Gloria, who entertained us in The Soul Cafe (home edition) with various songs while I strummed along on my guitar; Ann & Dick (I call him 'Richard' and he calls me 'Deborah'), Don and Cousin Els, and of course, me and my beau. A few carols, a Yankee swap where absolutely NO one traded, numerous trivia quizzes with prizes (I always like to challenge the brain at a party), and more eating. Seemed to be lots of volume at this party and much laughter, as words got mixed up and sentences misconstrued. Gloria decided she wanted whipped cream on Cousin Els' dessert, so I sprayed her with it -- by accident, of course. So she took over the duty, and absolutely covered Doug with whipped cream. A culinary accident, for sure, but a very healthy dose of laughter occurred because of it. Pots and pots of coffee and cans of apple cider were consumed. And of course, the night wouldn't be complete without the men separating from the women so they can talk about men/women stuff. You can only imagine. The women chose to congregate around the kitchen table where the feeding trough was, and ate like they hadn't seen food before, even though the first feeding occurred an hour previous.
About 11:30, Don needed to go feed the horses out at the ranch, so the party participants split like a banana, wishing Merry Christmas with kisses all around.
I'm still up, cleaning up and eating up and blogging up.
Exciting news -- found out on the weekend and confirmed today that I am getting my own solo radio show weekdays from 10 am to 2 pm. Calling it "The Soul Cafe." Go figure. God is certainly surprising me with the doors He is opening. I start next week. Stay tuned...
Check out the website for a poem I recorded for the "Stay in Tune" radio spots. It is written by our friend, Brenda Branscombe. Called "The Mission." In a couple of days I hope to have another one on there called "Wise Men Still Seek Him," co-written by Nurse Cherry and myself. If you have an inkling for an idea, let me know and we can be co-collaborators. Is that a word, by the way? By the way, it IS 12:41, and I should be sleeping, but I'm too wired for sound.
Tomorrow I need to plan the Christmas eve service (I'm in 'charge'), make a recording or two, wrap presents and perhaps cook.
Here is the recipe for the cookies, a recipe designed by the OT Director, aka Doris Child...
Cream 1 lb butter, 2 cups brown sugar
Add 3 1/2 cups flour & 1/2 cup corn starch to creamed mixture with any of the following (I added ALL):
butterscotch chips
chocolate chips
nuts (I used blanched almonds)
dried cranberries
or whatever (whatever you like in a cookie)
Divide dough into four parts. Roll each part into a bag and wrap in waxed paper. Chill. Store in fridge. Slice cookies as needed. Cook for 3 days @ 400. No, seriously, that's about what I did. You need to cook them for 6-7 minutes @ 400, but watch them carefully, especially if your oven runs hot like mine does, and then you burn them. An Airbake pan would be nice. I need one. Perhaps Santa is reading my blog and will buy me one for Christmas.
Nite... Santa, if you don't want burnt cookies, you might want to buy me an Airbake pan. If you don't know what that is, ask short Ann. She'll tell you.
Hey Jude -- good night.
Sunday, 20 December 2009
The rock band -- well, we rocked, and "First Cut is the Deepest" was me rockin' it out. I had to laugh all evening at myself, "I'm in a rock band, and it's LOUD!" Great fun.
Saturday morning -- breakfast at the church, and playing the piano for carols with the folk. Tony's Music Box, an art shop, and an hour long coffee break with Rick Green and Doug at Read's Bookstore/Newstand, where more ideas flowed. More on that later.
Home where I got ready for Christmas tree adventures. Doris, the OT Director, picked me up in her van while Doug put away equipment, and we drove to Grasses' Tree Farm (about 1 mile up the road), where the second tree was the one for my house. Doris and Bob loaded it on the van while I stood and watched (It's nice to have help, isn't it?). Doug kindly put it in the stand, and Doris started loading the tree with lights, while I made cookies (we had this goal to do all these things in one day). I came in and helped decorate and we finished it in about an hour, while the cookies were baking. We didn't know how long to bake them, so we guessed. Not a good decision. They are 'dunkers.' Found out they should have baked for 6-7 minutes at 400 degrees, and we cooked them for 20 minutes at 300!. Then upstairs to cut out a John Deere quilt for Jack. I was beginning to tire by this time (not sure why), but the OT Director kept pushing me -- you can do it, you can do it, keep going, keep going, it seemed like she chanted.
The phone rang and it was Natalie, and I still had to cut material while talking on the phone. No rest for the weary. Found out Natalie is coming home on December 30th until February 17th! REJOICE, REJOICE! And of course, Aiden boy will be arriving as well. My quiver is full now.
I called Mom to come up and look at the quilt and give me some advice, while putting a pizza in the oven to bake. A quilt expert at my beck and call. Granny Quiltmaker. I love her. She's always there for me. She gave me some advice and the quilt is still on the bed in disarray, awaiting my return.
Saturday evening, Doug and I went over to Rick Green's house (he is a broadcaster with the station and has been in radio since early 60's). He taught me "Radio 101" as he calls it. I have a teacher. I told him that 'when the student is ready, the teacher will appear." We have a lot of projects up our sleeve, and I will learn much from this veteran of radio.
Sunday morning dawned bright and early, and I went to church to lead the music -- a couple of singing groups that I'm involved with directing -- "First Love," and "Second Chance." One contemporary, one not so contemporary. Fun. My hands were numb most of the time while I beat out the tunes on the piano, but I kept going. Took off for home to change for the Fredericton Ladies' Choir concert at St. Dunstans at 3 pm. Amazing experience, with 1,000 people in attendance! It is such an awesome privilege to sing and to feel all the music swirling around my head, and to sing my heart out. And to be alive.
Tonight was an evening meal with Doris and Laurie, Sandra and Randy at Doris'. She became a cook instead of an OT director. I had a sleep in the chair after dinner while everyone else talked. Then Doris became the OT director and taught Sandra how to make those giant snowflakes we made last year. I brought one home with me that she made me.
Stay tuned for the next episode of life. This has been an event-packed weekend, and I'm sure everyone out there is having a busy time this busy time of year. I think I just need to sit in a chair and relax like I did tonight, blanket wrapped around my aching knees and feet.
Now I'll go lie this body down and thank the Lord for yet another good day.
Thursday, 17 December 2009
What a Busy Time
I was on the radio show by myself for three hours today. I loved it. Selected most of the songs that aired; that was fun. Tonight, went to practice with another singing group that has started in the church. Monday night, met with another group that we're calling First Love (perhaps I already mentioned this). Tonight's group we decided to call Second Chance!
Tomorrow I hope to shop as I said, and tomorrow night is the big staff party at Ho Jo's, where we debut in our rock band. Our first and only gig, but you never know what may flow out of this. Never knew I'd ever be in a rock band, and never knew that I'd be a radio host. You never know do you? (a neighbour used to say this all the time). Remember, Nat & Jon?
Our house looks like sound equipment exploded -- it's everywhere, awaiting transferral to the hotel banquet hall tomorrow evening.
And Jon and Alicia and three grandkids are on their way down to stay overnight. A total house explosion is pending. Night. Busy, busy, but not too busy to notice that it's great to be alive and to experience all the opportunities the Lord is providing.
Wednesday, 16 December 2009
The Mission
Christ, born in a manger
A very humble birth
Would change many lives
While He walked on this earth
He didn't look for wealth
Or try to capture fame,
To draw us to His Father
That is why He came
He laid aside His majesty
And all His glory from above
To fulfill the words of long ago
This was a mission of pure love
A love that came to us that night
And still remains for us today
A love so strong it calls us back
If we stumble or stray
When the star announced the place
Where Baby Jesus would get His start
Kings and shepherds bowed to Him
And held great wonder in their heart
The wonder that they felt that night
Would be felt for years untold
The love He offers all of us
It never will grow old
I did not see the manger
On the night He came to earth
But I see Him everywhere I go
And in Him I find my worth
I missed His first arrival
It was way before my time
But I was on His heart that night
And the blessings they are mine
And so each year around this time
I do my best to remember
That Jesus is with us all year round
Not only in December
As you take in all the festive things
Remember the great cost
Jesus willingly paid for us
So our soul would not be lost
From heaven and its splendor
To a little Jewish town
To the cross of suffering
Salvation has come down
If you have only read this story
But never felt it in your heart
Seek Him out this very day
It's never too late to start
Tuesday, 15 December 2009
Check this out (Paste this address in your web browser). Enjoy!
Monday, 14 December 2009
Then the radio station in the afternoon where I downloaded more Christmas music and got it ready to play on the air, as well as being 'on the air' quite a bit this afternoon, discussing various and sundry things.
Tonight was teaching til 8:30, then another party with another group -- four university students who came to eat chips, chocolate and sparkling cider and then sing for a couple of hours. We are forming a contemporary quartet (I'm the fourth 'university student;' keeps me young, you know, to hang out with younger people). We brainstormed and came up with a name: "First Love." Stay tuned.... We sang until 11:30 until I said I needed to go to bed. If I must say so, we sound pretty good.
Since I haven't yet had my supper, I think I should partake of my nightly toast and retire. Here's a toast to this day -- another great day, full of parties and music.
PS: Here is a recipe that "A" brought to the BEADY BUNCH BRUNCH (and I could eat it! Cheryl F., take note! These squares are delish!)
Hi Deb
Here is the full recipe for the squares I took to The Soul Cafe today. Of course, for you I only made the top two layers (Layers 3 & 4), however I thought your Mom asked for the recipe as well.
2 cups Flour
1 tsp Salt (skimpy)
1 1/3 cups Shortening
2 Tblsp Butter (or Margarine) softened
2 Tblsp Cold Water
Mix flour and salt together and cut in shortening and butter until they are size of peas. Moisten with cold water and pack into ball. Roll out thin and press into 9"X13" pan. (I don't bother rolling it out, I just use my hands to press it into the bottom of the pan.)
1/2 cup Raspberry Jam thinly spread over pastry base (I use seedless raspberry jam)
1 cup Butter (or Margarine)
1 1/3 cup Sugar
4 Eggs
1 1/3 cups Rice Flour unsifted
sprinkle of salt
1 - 2 tsp Almond flavouring (original recipe doesn't call for this, but I add it)
Cream together butter and sugar and beat in eggs one at a time. Stir in flour & salt. Mix until well combined.
DIVIDE this cake mixture into 2 bowls, Half and Half. Tint one half red and the other half green. Dab in small amounts on jam layer in a checkerboard fashion. (A melon baller works well for this.) Lightly spread together to get rid of any air pockets.
Bake at 350 F - 375 F (depending on your own individual oven) for approx 30 - 35 minutes. Watch closely. Cool well.
3 cups Icing Sugar
4 Tblsp Butter
2 tsp Almond Flavouring
4 Tblsp Milk -- warm in microwave
Cream icing sugar and butter, then stir in warm milk and almond flavouring. Add icing sugar or a little more milk as desired for spreading consistency. Spread on well-cooled squares. Freezes well.
Garnish as desired with nuts, cherries, etc.
*** When only making the top two layers I greased and floured the pan before putting the cake batter in it. (I used spray oil and rice flour.)
ENJOY !!!!
Sunday, 13 December 2009
The Weekend
1. Friday night practice session with the Stan Cassidy Rock Band (next Friday is our 'debut). This is a band I'm in for Doug's Christmas party, not really a rock band, but the majority of the music is rock, and I feel like I'm back in the 70s and 80s. I play the piano and sing.
2. To Saint John Regional Hospital on Saturday morning to see my Aunt (Mom's sister) in Intensive Care. She was diagnosed with esophageal cancer and is not doing well. Mom and I went in to see her and talked and prayed with her. I cried of course; very difficult for me to see her this way. Please pray for my dear aunt.
3. Back to Fredericton. Stopped in to the open house at CJRI radio station for some refreshments and to see everyone.
4. Up to Bristol to Jon & Alicia's, greeted with warm welcome. Stayed overnight. Played on the floor with the kids and slept by the fire. Practiced the mandolin.
5. Back to Fredericton Sunday evening and attended a concert at the Charlotte Street Arts Centre, where Catrina, one of my guitar students (she's part of what I call "The Flick Flack Girls") was singing.
6. Now to eat dinner at 9 o'clock!
A great weekend, and now back to normal living again. Although with our life, is anything normal?
Tomorrow I have two parties here at the house...The Soul Cafe Home. The BEADY Bunch is coming for BRUNCH, and the younger group (haven't got a name yet) is coming after I finish teaching. And of course, I'll be on the radio in the afternoon. I need an events organizer.
Wednesday, 9 December 2009
My visit with Dr. Broad
WHITE BLOOD COUNT -- Found out that Nov.'s count was 3.3, and today it was 3.2. This is up from 2.1, 2.9 this fall. Still not where it should be (5), but she said she wasn't worried about it. I breathed a sigh of relief. (Normal range is 4-11). Don't really know why it's down, but she's OK with it, and I'm OK with that.
RED BLOOD COUNT (hemoglobin) -- an AMAZING 144 or 14.4 -- (Normal is 12-16)...She said this is why I've had so much energy, as so much iron in my blood. I believe my last test was 13.5. She said it was all the roast beef I must be eating. And that it takes 2-3 months for what you eat to show up in your test results. So, I've decided to continue on with the roast beef/red meat once a week (which is not me, however...I will sacrifice for the sake of my blood).
Bone densitometry test -- good
Mammogram done in October - good
She did a major physical exam -- heart, lungs, abdominal organs, Blood pressure -- excellent
Scar exam, lymph nodes, other breast, lymph nodes -- good (she told me to keep examining my scar tissue and get familiar with what it feels like so I can check for any changes; which I didn't know to do... Abdominal exam....,
Regarding numbness and pain in both hands (my hands go to sleep all the time and it's difficult to do anything with them). Did an exam of my hands, says she doesn't see signs of osteoarthritis in hands, must be carpal tunnel (I've been wearing a splint all fall). Gave me another prescription for splints on both arms. Sending me for neural pathway exam or something like that with a physiatrist doctor. Possible surgery if this test shows up I have carpal tunnel. The drug I'm on (Armidex) causes this AND all the pain I have in my body. I can live with the pain and have developing coping mechanisms, but having a hard time with my hands being numb and asleep all the time.
Gave me prescription for new 'chatty cathy arms, I call them for the carpal tunnel til I can meet with the specialist. She says she needs to get my hands fixed up for what I do (playing instruments; my livelihood)!
Told me to take ibuprofen in morning before I get up to help with pain and getting going in the morning. Need to get some by my bedside, I guess.
Talked about my plantars fascitis in my feet and what to do there (she is a runner)...told me to wear sneakers most of the time and I said "I'm too hot!" Talked about hot flashes and laughed about that. Doug was in the room with me.
Allergic reaction stuff -- said I developed an allergy to the chemicals in the processed cheese (what does that tell us about what is in processed food?). So no more cheez whiz or Kraft singles!
Asked me if I would participate in a survey on keeping active during chemo and how you 'fare' after chemo; said I would be an ideal candidate, as she knew how active I was during chemo.
Not seeing me until May 12th as I see Dr. Bryden on Feb 1st. We talked about possible mastectomy next summer as well... She gave me a very thorough exam, and I left her office on cloud nine, praising and thanking God! Thank you for your prayers!
Went to Mom's to tell her - "All is well," Mom -- we hugged each other. Mom has been through so much this year -- what with me, and Dad.... and now her sister who is in Saint John Hospital with esophageal cancer (please pray for her...)
I had an idea about how to celebrate: Mom is cooking BEEF for dinner tonight and Doug and I will go there tonight after I finish teaching, then watch Meryl Streep in "Julie and Julia." (About Julia Child, who I always liked growing up). I think that's why I like cooking is because of Julia Child and James Barber. Anyway, I'm excited and thankful, and looking forward to tonight's celebration with my parents.
Good news! Thank you, God!
More good news yesterday! Found out that Natalie and Aiden are coming home on January 12, and staying til Feb. 17th! I am blessed and SO excited. And this time, I will be well....All is well, and I'm rejoicing all the day long.
Tuesday, 8 December 2009
Blood Test/Appointment
Monday, 7 December 2009
Jack says to me:
"Dad? Can you get me a jack to jack it up?" (Referring to a toy truck)
Alicia subsequently says to me:
"Isn't that a freedundancy? That is, a Jack asking for a jack to jack with?"
What do you think?
Thursday, 3 December 2009
John Boy & Northern Exposure
Then I turned on Northern Exposure, which was another show I used to love to watch. I was always enamored by the radio show host and his musings on the air. And now, I am on the radio. Today, Gord asked me to do it on my own from 4 to 6 pm, and he left the building! It was awesome. I did OK, I think.
So, two TV shows I used to watch coming true in my life. Isn't God cool?
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
Chefs at Large
Today is Doug's parents 59th wedding anniversary. Imagine that. Next year, I'll have to make sure their picture gets on "Live at Five." Congrats!
Still enjoying the radio and am producing a couple more spots this week, including a spoof spot which you probably won't hear, unless you email me for it. I was having fun with Becky, after guitar last week.
The adult students are doing well and are impressing me, to say the least. Ann H., Elsbeth, Donalda (my mother), Beth, Deanna, Robin, Erin, Cheryl, Gloria, Erin, Rachel and Becky. Wow, you're never too late to learn, as I said before.
Brady is here for drumming, so on with the show!
Thursday afternoon will find me at the radio station all afternoon, God willing...
I wonder where the next meal is coming from?
Hungry !Deb
Oh, and Southshore Sis, I want to talk to you! Call me tonight if you can
Monday, 30 November 2009
Sunday, 29 November 2009
Just In
I had one awesome day -- Gagetown today (sang about five Christmas songs) at a church in the village, during their "Christmas in the Village" celebration, including "O Holy Night" with a fiddler from Nova Scotia, named Lukas Munroe (he is 20), and he is amazing -- I believe he will go far. I have his CD, had him autograph it, and talked to him about getting him up here to perform, produce a CD and we want to promote him and invest in his life. Met his girlfriend Stephanie, who is a sweetie, and it was like we knew them forever as we spent a couple of hours together. Doug and I are going to make a demo CD for them, God willing, and we hope to arrange places for him to play around this area, and hopefully play his music on the radio. Stay tuned for this guy... I also want him to play in my worship team....We certainly made a connection with them, and God only knows where it will lead.
To Bob Johnson's old house filled with antiques for lunch (all the performers were invited for a huge meal), and spent the whole time talking 'business' with this new and upcoming artist, Lukas... even teaching him a bit of theory, and he telling me how to play the fiddle. Said he would even give me a fiddle, even though I have one and can't yet play it proficiently. Oh, well, to have another fiddle is just like having another guitar -- you can never have enough, right? (If you own instruments, you know what I mean).
Back to the church to listen and got called up to sing "O Holy Night" on the piano (with Lukas accompanying and the stage band). This is the second weekend in a row that I've been asked to sing this song. Do you know how high this song is? God help me, and He did.
Took off for Fredericton to Morning Gate Church (our church), where I hosted a Christmas Gospel Concert, and acted like a female Bill Gaither. It was awesome. More performers singing all sorts of songs, mostly Christmas. An amazing night. I also sang "Mary Did You Know," one of my fav songs. Stay tuned for more of these concerts in the new year.
We have so much local talent in the Maritimes, it's time we promoted them and listened to them more. And this is one of the roles of the radio station.
Hard to believe all the doors God is opening up for us. Had a call from Florida last night that my instrumental music is being used for a DVD, and they want me to send a bio/resume to include in the DVD.
Well, it's been a day and a half, and a pack-filled weekend. Going to have some toast, now, Mom, and go to bed. (She told me at the end of the concert to go home and go to bed, but I 'disobeyed' and went to Tim Horton's with Doug and friends).
Night, Mom. x0x0 your loving daughter
Saturday, 28 November 2009
What a weekend so far
Friday found me writing a new radio spot, "Unpack Your Heart with Words." Recognize those words, Shakespeare fans? Stay tuned for the spot to be uploaded to the website. Nurse Cherry drove up from Saint John and cleaned my house while I stayed in my office and wrote. Doris joined us for lunch here at the Soul Cafe. After lunch, Cherry and I went in to the radio station, where it was like a party all afternoon. Lots of interviews and contests, and Cherry found herself being a secretary, as Gloria put her in charge and left the building. Someone told Cherry that if you hang around me, you never know WHAT you'll end up doing. I had a great time on air, interviewing people with Gord. It feels so natural. I've had so many people tell me that I have a great radio voice, which I never knew. Apparently, it's a mid-range voice. Doug, Cheryl and I were in a SonLife conference all weekend at our church, and a random man from Nova Scotia who I just met today told me he could listen to me all day long. I found this strange, as all I did was talk occasionally during the meeting, with the odd comment during breaks that I desired chocolate.
So apparently I'm supposed to be on the radio, as I have the voice for it. And no one can tell what you look like on the radio, unless they come in -- like the other day. I requested coffee on air -- that I was craving a coffee, and a delivery man came about ten minutes with coffee and timbits. So I asked for a new car on air, but no one showed up. Yesterday I asked for a carpenter to come and build us a balcony because it is SO hot in there, and I could go outside and get cooled off. But alas, no carpenter came.
Our conference lasted til 3 pm today -- Steve McEvoy taught it and it was fantastic. For those of you who know Steve, I'll put in a plug for his ministry. He is a great teacher.
Tonight, Doug and I went to Musicplex for a band practice. I played the piano and sang harmony with the rockers. Now I'm just like "JEM," Natalie, remember JEM and the Misfits or something? Correct me on their name. Now I'm one of the Misfits, I think. "Our songs are better." Any mother who has a daughter Natalie's age would know what I'm talking about -- a cartoon on TV that Nat was obsessed with. And now your mother is like Jem. Imagine. Tonight was LOUD, and I mean LOUD. It's a wonder I have any eardrums left.
I was invited to sing in Gagetown tomorrow, at Christmas in the Village, but I can't decide whether I'm going or not, because it is 11:30 right now and I haven't a clue what to sing. If it comes to me in the night, perhaps I'll go.
Any way, tomorrow night (Sunday night), I'm hosting a Christmas Gospel concert at Morning Gate Church at 7 pm. I will also sing at this event. If you're free, join us. I feel like a radio host. Or perhaps a blog host.
Today is the first year anniversary of my surgery. And I'm OK.
Friday, 27 November 2009
Thursday, 26 November 2009
I've been thinking about this: that you're never too old to learn something new. I have six adult women learning piano and five adult women learning guitar. I am an adult woman learning the 'ropes' of a radio station, and how to be a radio host. So, if you're thinking about doing something NEW, but feel you're too old (smile), do it anyway. You can do it!
You know, the anniversary of my mastectomy surgery is coming up on Saturday. Hard to believe it's been one year. It feels like such a long time ago, though, at the same time. Hard to believe that now I am doing all these new and exciting things in my life. I thank God every day for life and the opportunities He has opened up for me.
Blessings to all this day...
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
New Email Address
My new address is: (I have 4 grandchildren and I am 50!).
Please update your address books accordingly. Thanks!
Sunday went to church and led music, then co-lead the youth class. Doug and I went out for a nice lunch at Jack & Andy's, to the radio station to produce "Anything and Everything," and then to a matinee movie. Haven't been to a movie forever; it was nice to be on a date with Doug. We saw "Blind Side" with Sandra Bullock. Based on a true story and of course, it's about football, my favorite thing. Over to Doris' for a cup of tea and a bite to eat, and we called it a day. A good day.
Monday was so full of activity that I didn't get up today (Tuesday) until 9:30! Exercise at the gym, radio show in the afternoon, where Gord put me on the controls by myself for about half an hour (that was interesting!), teaching scads of students til almost ten, a visit with Doris around our table, a walk with Doug after 10, a talk with Natalie until midnight. Time for bed for sure. No wonder I woke up late.
Well, the coffee is ready -- it's almost 10 am. Going to my office to read. This day will be full as well. Exercise with Saffire at noon, radio show til 3:30, teaching til evening, then Fredericton Ladies' Choir.
My body still has a lot of pain and it takes me about an hour each morning to get it going. My hands and fingers ache most of the time, and are numb from carpal tunnel syndrome. But, praise the Lord, I'm still alive and ticking and want to thank Him and you for your help. I'm seizing the day each day. But this morning -- I seized the bed and stayed in it longer than usual, and that's OK.
Friday, 20 November 2009
Ann and 'Richard' picked us up at the radio station and taxied us out to Don & Elsbeth's for a wonderful dinner and birthday cake for Doug. Quality conversation for a few hours, then home again. Called Nat and found out about her adventures at the senior home the other night. Something about her being mauled by a cat and encountering a ferret in a cage. She's like her mom; you never know what situation she will be in next.
I hope I get to work in my office tomorrow. I need to spend a bit of time getting organized. Now, if I had a secretary....
Going to Greenhill Lake Camp in the evening to sing for the people with Mom, Max, Beth and Judy.
Love you forever,
Thursday, 19 November 2009
Recording Studio and Radio Studio
I recorded another radio spot last night as well, so stay tuned for that.
Now to call Nat and see what funny story she has to tell me....I'm actually tired, not sure why.
Wednesday, 18 November 2009
Tomorrow is another full day. A meeting in the morning at a recording studio, live radio in the afternoon, a possible dinner meeting, and a music practice at night. I thank God for energy and His creativity. I need to punch my 'off' button now and go to sleep. Blessings to all, and to all a good night (You know it's getting to be that time of year again, and since Santa is now 'real"...see Saturday's post).
Miss you Nat....
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
Shampoo Woes
Could someone buy me some shampoo? I keep trying to buy shampoo, but end up with CONDITIONER – every time! It's like when I used to buy pantyhose when I was a secretary, years ago. I would stand there and stare at all the options – control top, colour, size, shape, style and think I picked the right one, but when I put them on – Voila! Wrong size or control top when I didn't want control top, etc.
I'm rambling and ranting again. I keep buying what I think is shampoo, end up in the shower, pour it out, and discover it is, once again, conditioner. Yesterday I made a special trip to buy shampoo. Picked out a lovely bottle of Fructis, opened 'er up this morning, and once again, found out it was conditioner! So, what did I do? Used body wash to wash my locks, which I had also purchased yesterday. However, it had these lovely qualities: "waterlily and fresh mint scent." Bad choice. It dripped down over my eyes and they felt like two burning York Peppermint Patties ready to eat. Oh, !Deb, slow down and smell the roses and get shampoo, will you?
So, if anyone has any spare shampoo to spare, please send it my way. All these months of not having hair to wash, and NOW that I have hair to wash, I can't wash it properly! On with the show….stay tuned…
Monday, 16 November 2009
And I fell in love with a dog today (I watched "Marley & Me" last night). Will wonders never cease!
Must go have some toast. It's been a LONG DAY!
Sunday, 15 November 2009
Lance, Joydee, The 'Realness of Santa,' Curious George & Mrs. Doubtfire
Saturday, I went to speak at a womens' craft day retreat at Camp Shiktehawk in Bristol. Bristol, NB, not Bristol, England, although that might be a possibility for me some day. I took Doris with me for this event. It was a great day -- we went to a snowman making class (yes, it is THAT time of year again, believe it or not). Seems to me it was just yesterday when D and I were making "Frosty," and all his brothers and sisters last winter. This time we made giant snowmen out of fabric and spent the morning sewing his parts together -- the most difficult part was the nose, for sure. I didn't get to finish mine because I had to prepare for my talk, so Tammy and Doris finished him for me. We named our snowmen "Lance" (my snowman), and "Joydee"(Doris'), and they sat in the back seat all the way home in the van, capturing my attention in the rearview mirror every once in awhile and scaring me. After awhile I decided to think of them as angels traveling with us, and I calmed down.
I spoke after lunch -- "Christmas Memories, Christmas Celebration" is what I named my exhortation. I made them laugh quite a bit, as I shared my memories of Christmas and the season surrounding it. Had some props -- a doll, half of a Barbie body (she's 50 this year, you know, like myself), a video of Linus on the Charlie Brown Christmas special, etc. At one point in my talk I said something like, "and then there was the time when I discovered Santa wasn't real." "Oh, is there anyone in here who thinks Santa is real, by the way?" (with a smile). I continued to go on and on about the 'let down' about finding out Santa's un-realness, when I noticed some ladies in the crowd were hand signaling me to look to my left. In my peripheral vision, I noticed a little girl sitting there. Of course! This would happen to me. So, I started ranting and raving about how Santa was 'so REAL!' "When I found out he was real, well....!" and so on. The crowd burst into laughter as I made a huge comeback, and I think I convinced EVERYONE that Santa was real, including the little girl, I hope. If it didn't work, her father (who was the camp director), could just tell her that I was insane and not to believe me.
There was more to the talk than that of course, but you should have been there. And it wasn't taped. I hope I get to present it again. I had a lot of fun, and it was filled with singing carols and Christmas songs for everyone to participate.
After my talk, we went into workhops again and I chose a cardmaking workshop that was so stressful that I thought I was going to have a fit. The card was much too complicated for my brain and ability, but I did manage to finish it, after crumpling up my half-finished card in my hand and trying to escape that session to go finish my snowman. But the teacher caught me and made me start again. I must admit, though, it is beautiful.
Doris and I went on a road trip to Windsor (no, not England, but outside Coldstream, wherever that is), and then to Jon & Alicia's house in Carlow (NB). Had supper and playtime with the kids and I made up a couple of songs on the piano for the kids. One about having a rainbow in my pocket (because Afton said the word "rainbow," my rainbow word for the day was presented to me once more), and a song about Jack in the field with the John Deere tractor. They certainly were original songs which I played hysterically on the piano, and I can't remember them today, although Alicia videotaped the Deere one.
We made it home late and I slept fitfully. Woke up today with a lot of pain, knowing I needed a day of rest. Had breakfast with Carolyn, webmaster extraordinaire. I'll skip over to later in the day.....I've been trying to find the movie "Mrs. Doubtfire," and went to Jumbo Video the other night to inquire about its availability -- NOT. Today, tried again at Blockbuster. The clerk gave me a brusque, "NO, WE DO NOT HAVE IT!" So I walked out, wondering how I could get my hands on this video. Nurse Cherry has a copy, but she lives in Europe and I haven't time to fly to Europe this week. She says that perhaps I'm like Mrs. Doubtfire, and I need to see why.
Anyway, I called Carolyn and told her I was looking for a copy of this video. Carolyn said, "Oh, I'm at a flea market at Kings Place, perhaps I'll find it for you here." Yea, right, I thought, but gave her encouragement, not thinking she would find this movie, since two reputable video rental places do not have it, with NO explanations why it's not rentable anymore.
About two hours later, Carolyn shows up at my door with a plastic shopping bag. She is so excited. "I have gifts for you, Deb!" She pulls out the first one -- a Curious George wind up doll, which she got for rock bottom price, that I can use for a prop in my shows for children. I was very excited about this, always loving the books of Curious George, and I actually think I am Curious George sometimes, because I am curious about absolutely everything. Then, she pulled out a beanie baby breast cancer bear and gave it to me.
Then, she pulls out Mrs. Doubtfire VHS tape, and we scream and dance around the room. "Hear the story, hear the story!" she yells. She went to a vendor's table and there were many DVDs and VHS tapes. She asked the man, "Do you have Mrs. Doubtfire? == DVD or VHS would be fine. It's for a friend." "No, that particular title is hard to find, and if I did have it, it wouldn't last long. Someone always snatches that one up." He knew the titles he had for sale, and he KNEW he did not have Mrs. Doubtfire. She went away a bit disappointed.
After perusing the flea market for awhile, she and her husband, Brett, came back to the same table. She looked down -- there it was, staring her in the face: a VHS copy of "Mrs. Doubtfire," at the opposite end of the table from where the vendor stood. She yelled to Brett, "There it is! There it is!" She grabbed it and got the vendor's attention. "Look! Look! Remember me? It's here -- "Mrs. Doubtfire" is here! He smiled and said, "Yes, it WASN'T here when you asked, but awhile ago, SOMEONE came and TRADED it for something else." (Perhaps it was an 'angel' that traded it...Lance?)
AMAZING! ONLY GOD! NOT A COINCIDENCE, FOR GOD IS THE GOD OF COINCIDENCES, AND DEBORAH MACDONALD DESIRED TO WATCH "MRS. DOUBTFIRE." (At least that's what I believe). I cried when she gave it to me, because I knew that God cared for me, in this small detail, found the movie for me, and PLACED it in front of Carolyn. Isn't that awesome!
We watched it this afternoon (Doris came over, too), and we laughed our heads off.
There, that is like the BELIEVE story from last winter. Nothing is impossible for God. This weekend, He helped me make a huge snowman named Lance (who sits on my veranda now), an intricate card, recover from my 'Santa Claus' faux pas, receive my own Curious George, and delivered an impossible-to-find movie into my hands.
I'm not doubting today....I'm believing!
Friday, 13 November 2009
Stopped at radio station just for five minutes, but stayed for 1 1/2 hours. Gord asked me for my schedule, because he wants to know if I will be his co-host on the afternoon show. Wow. I can't keep up with the stuff that is happening. Called Doug in Grand Manan to tell him about it. His response? "Cool." I guess that means, "OK." So, I'll keep you posted on that.
Came home and wrote two radio spots, went back to radio station and recorded and uploaded them to database. They aired last night and this morning, and will be on the next few days. Doris and Laurie came down to visit and I showed them 'the ropes,' and how things work and recorded a couple of things for them.
Up to Mom's for practice with Max, Beth, Judy and Mom for next weekend performance at Greenhill Lake. This time, I played the piano. We had a good time. Then to Jumbo Video to see if I could rent "Mrs Doubtfire," but they did not have it on the shelf anymore. Nurse Cherry said Mrs Doubtfire had a radio show on the movie, and other similarities I won't go into. Watch the movie. However, since they didn't have it on file, I rented "Imagine That," with Eddie Murphy (rated G), made a gluten-free pizza at 10 pm, watched 45 minutes of it, and fell asleep on the couch. Went to bed and couldn't sleep. It was after 2 before I had shut-eye, because I kept reading and having ideas for radio spots, and had to keep writing them down! I wish there was a switch on my brain, because I would use it.
Today I will write my 'sermon' for tomorrow's talk at Shiktehawk (wherever that is), for a ladies' day that I am speaking at.
I hope I wake up soon.
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
It's Time to Reveal Who is Behind the Veil of 'Names'


Her real name is DORIS -- of Greek origin, and its meaning is 'from the sea.' The origin of her name is believed to be Greek.
The name 'Jessica.' is my name for her for the past 8 years or so. The name 'Jessica' is of Hebrew origin. In Hebrew, the meaning of the name Jessica is: Rich. God beholds. And that is so true of her...
I also call her the 'OT DIRECTOR,' and here are the tasks of an OT director:
"Administers treatments directed toward developing, improving, sustaining and restoring sensory motor, neuromuscular,
emotional, cognitive or psychosocial performance components. Administers treatments that contribute to optimal occupational performance including self care, daily living skills essential for productivity; functional communication and mobility; positioning; social integration; cognitive mechanisms; enhancing play
and leisure skills." And did she not do ALL these things during this year of treatment?
And I also call her 'D' on the blog, which is a letter from the alphabet (in case you didn't know). The letter 'D' starts words like, 'Delightful,' 'Dear,' and 'Darling.'
So, there you have it -- the mystery unveiled. No longer will you have to wonder who this valuable woman is in my life....
Thank you, Dear, Delightful, Darling Doris -- for all you have done this past year and all you continue to do. Love you much....
- Playing with recording software, in preparation for this weeks' segments (my music);
- A blood test at the hospital (not too musical);
- A half hour on the bike at the gym (watched TV, music on that);
- To the radio station twice for sound checks and work on current hits on the database (southern gospel music);
- Teaching 'classical' piano to students;
- Fredericton Ladies' Choir to sing for two solid hours. By the end of it, I sounded like Marge Simpson (Christmas music);
- I ended up at band practice in a darkened room with a stage at Musicplex practicing for a Christmas party for Doug's work. I felt like a rock diva, and sang backup for one of the girls, play an 'egg,' as well as crooned a rendition of 'I Will Sail My Vessel' by Garth Brooks on my guitar. I wanted to laugh out loud as I stood there singin' harmony and rockin' to the loud music in this random room I found myself in from 9-10 pm with people I didn't know. I realized that when I was sixteen, driving around in my father's car singing to the 'hits' on the radio, that my dream of singing harmony/back-up had been fulfilled, and I smiled -- 'Cool.'
Then I came home and worked on yet more music on the computer. A musical filled day -- that's me. One of my students, Lianne, whom I still teach, said to me, "You are MUSIC, Mrs. Mac." Yes, I think I am.
A lot different day than this day last year, I'll tell you. Praise God. I made it through the day. And Doug is in Grand Manan.
Thanks to Carolyn, our webmaster/partner for putting the radio spots on the website for you to listen to if you are unable to catch them live.... ( And thanks to Nurse Cherry, Dancer Laurie and Doris for feeding me ideas and writings for me to incorporate into the 'mini-shows.' I'm reminded of the 'Bugs Bunny Show' that I LOVED to watch when I was young. Remember how Bugs always said, "Now..stay tuned for the show...." Cool, eh? Stay tuned, stay in tune....
Have a great day!
Tuesday, 10 November 2009
Subject: Happy Account Birthday!
Dear deb (debmac88@Writing.Com),
You opened your Writing.Com account
1 year ago,
on November 10th, 2008...
which makes today your very own
Writing.Com Account Birthday.
So, from everyone at Writing.Com...
Happy Account Birthday!
We wish you a very inspired day, filled with creativity, fun
and, of course, lots and lots of writing.
Please take a moment to stop in and visit Writing.Com.
Write, read, review or just have some fun!
Write On,
Support @ Writing.Com
Monday, 9 November 2009
Monday found me scurrying around, even though I wanted to take the day off. Banking, Walmart, CJRI radio station, where I got seconded for computer work, groceries, teaching, and visiting Doug's folks.
Now we're going to work on the computer and record some 'stuff, using this new microphone I have here.
My radio spots are now on the radio -- today was the first day. They aired between 7:45 and 8 A.M., and between 6:30-7 pm. Ross told me they were excellent. What a compliment, coming from him. He's been 'on the air' since I was a little girl. And now I'm a bit of an old girl, and I'm on the air. Wow. You never know, do you?
Today is Jed & Granny's 52nd anniversary! If you get a chance, wish them happy anniversary, will you?
Today is also Doris & Laurie's 35th wedding anniversary. Please give them best wishes!
And today is our anniversary -- not our wedding anniversary, but the anniversary date of our first kiss and our engagement. Doug just gave me an anniversary kiss to celebrate.
Well, I must go record some 'stuff' with Doug on the computer with this fancy microphone. Our house looks like a music studio.
Tomorrow is the first anniversary of my diagnosis. Nov. 10, 2008 was when I found out that I had breast cancer. I want it to be just an ordinary day, and I hope to make it just that. Actually, I think I'll make it MORE THAN ORDINARY.
Appreciate your prayers -- tomorrow I also go for my blood test. Pray that my white blood cell count is normal.
And lastly, tomorrow Doug takes off for Grand Manan to work with Q's husband. It is the first day of lobster season. I find it strange that he's leaving me on the anniversary -- but, I want it to be just an ordinary day. I will miss him -- not used to being alone much this past year. I am now a ONE YEAR SURVIVOR, as they say. Strange to be saying that, too.
Would appreciate your prayers and thoughts as I go through tomorrow. Love to all, and to all a good night.
!Deb, One Year Survivor and MORE YEARS TO COME
Saturday, 7 November 2009
Writing Day
All day long I have been writing, writing, writing. A talk/sermon on "More Than a Survivor" for tomorrow night at 'Come as You Are' event at Nasis Baptist Church, and this evening, finishing off my sermon, "Consider it All Joy" for Morning Gate Church. Took a break for worship team practice for a couple of hours.
Actually, I've been writing for the past few days, haven't I? Four radio spots and two sermons in three days. Now I know what it feels like to be a reporter. Oh, and a blog, too.
Thought I'd check in with you and tell you what I've been doing. Now, back to the show – The Writing Show, sponsored by all the secretaries of the world. (You'd think that just ONE of them could come to my aid!)
!Deb, Roving Reporter
Philip Cameron Ministries
Check out this website -- we are hoping to partner with them as part of Nomad Ministries. They work in Romania and Moldova with teenage girls.
What a Day!
Tonight, Doug and I went to a CJRI concert with Kevin Spencer and Friends (Ohio) and the Ascensions from NB. It was a great time. Bill Lapointe was honored for his many years of service to gospel music in New Brunswick.
At home, I put my jammies on to settle down for an hour or so before bed. Just as I was about to retire for the evening, an email came in from the elusive Janet White #1, and I called her immediately upon receipt, even though it was 12:15 a.m. I haven't spoken or laid eyes on this woman since September, and thought perhaps she was just a dream. We talked til 1, and I hope to see her before she goes to Israel next weekend. I miss her and wish she would see me more often. But you know, she's a celebrity and all, and will no doubt find a man named Tony Antwes on her trip overseas (I had a dream that she got married to a man named Tony Antwes). Have a great time, Jan, and bring me back a pen so I can write.
Well, perhaps I need to go to bed, but I think I'll call Mrs. Antwes back and make her laugh before she goes to bed.
!Deb the Techie
Friday, 6 November 2009
The Other Side Lyrics by Anne Murray
What if there's no life line and you're sinking or lost
Just believe in your direction
Let your heart explore
Cause you can't reach new horizons
Standing on the shore
There are mountains - we need to climb
But the mountains standing in the way are only in our minds
And the risk of all
So just listen to the voice that says
I'll catch you if you fall
On the other side of doubt is faith
On the other side of pain lies strength
The journey may seem endless
And You know the road is rough
But on the other side of fear... is love
For such a long time I put my dreams aside
The tides of change felt dangerous
The mountains seemed too high
But my dreams were slowly fading
As time went quickly by
So I held me breath with every step
Never knowing I would find...
On the other side of doubt is faith
On the other side of pain lies strength
The journey may seem endless
And You know the road is rough
But on the other side of fear... is love
Repeat Chorus"
Thursday, 5 November 2009
Stranger than Fiction
Today I had plans to work in my office all day – writing and editing. Writing two sermons for Sunday, preparing music for Sunday, emailing all the singers/players, plus preparing radio scripts. The funny thing is, I thought I could actually do all this in a day. Plus laundry, plus taking care of personal finances. I seriously thought I could get it all done. Why, I even made a list and everything! And when one makes a list, doesn't one naturally accomplish everything on that list?
I had a fruitful morning in my office and it was coming on about 1:30, when I had a hankering for my famous chicken soup. It's now famous because I've eaten since last Thursday. However, I was unprepared for what happened during the consuming of said soup. As I sat at my desk and continued to work on the computer, I felt my whole head heat up as if it was on fire. I knew it wasn't a hot flash, as I felt like I was being stabbed with hot prickly things all over me. I ran to the mirror to look – what a sight! My head looked like a cooked beet, and my arms and legs were close behind. Plus hives were breaking out all over. I was truly a sight.
I knew I must be having a major allergic reaction to something. Either the chicken soup or the cornbread or the sliced cheese. I ran next door to Cousin C's to see if she had Benadryl, but alas she did not. I had her look at the back of my legs – they were on fire all right – my whole body by that time was in 'flames' and I was swabbing myself with a wet facecloth. "Go to Janet's!" she instructed and I ran across the street to Janet White #2. She said, "Get in the car,"and she raced down to the Superstore like a female Andretti, me with a facecloth, sweats and bare arms (why would I need a coat when I was on fire?). The pharmacist came to our aid I ingested two bennies* at once. Then back in the car to race home to call the doc. He called in a stronger prescription to the drugstore just in case I needed it. It was a whirlwind for sure and then I got a chill after the fire subsided. The bennies kicked in and I had to lie down by my fireplace in my office and have an afternoon nap, not what I wanted to do – I have stuff to write! Don't you know I'm operating on a deadline! I commented to Janet that it was a crazy way to get me to have a nap.
About five o'clock I got up and prepared chicken again for supper. Perhaps I think to quit the chicken cold turkey, do you suppose?
Then I recorded background music for my 'show' and wrote a song, just like that. Doug made copies on CDs and we took them down to the radio station, where Gord listened to them and said it was perfect for background music. Perhaps the Benadryl helped me produce quality music, do you suppose? No, I think it was a higher power than that.
Anyway, that's my story for today. I'm going in to the radio station, God willing, tomorrow morning to record the first three and Gord said they would be on the radio next week. Now I just have to finish editing them and it's now 9:45 pm. Will she get them done?
Stay tuned for "Stay in Tune."
!Deb on Fire
Wednesday, 4 November 2009
A Real Life Fairytale
Humpty Dumpty fell off the wall
How to put him together again
None of the Kingsmen knew
He didn’t have you to see him through
All of life’s ups and downs
Like a carousel - round and round
Just like this famous fairy tale
Life comes with no guarantees
Still we know you are there
Just like the wind is through the trees
Your warmth shines
Like golden rays of sun
And I am thankful to call you mine
If we listen to our heart
We can feel you there
Amongst the dark
Like a lighthouse in the distance
To go on living you give us persistence
You promise to catch us
Whenever we happen to fall
There is no obstacle to big or to small
Everything lies within your hands
Even when we do not understand
You are the maker of my mold
And my hand you will continuously hold
This I now realize for myself
It is much more then simply being told
We are the jigsaw puzzle
You see the bigger picture
Things will not always make sense
And figuring it out, though I try
Results in feeling trapped,
Captivated am I
So I begin to cry
But you are always there
To dry my eyes
If we look ahead
The road soon comes to a bend
Avoiding glancing only
In the rearview mirror
Things become much clearer
And with a new perspective
To figure things out
We joyously begin
To sing, dance and shout
Your word you
Continue to reveal
I can feel you here
And know that you are real
I pray you would live
Within my heart
Be the light in the darkness
And as I continue to get to know
Your love, your all in all, your will
Portray your love through me
Let me be a candle to the rest of the world
Always shining bright
With little to no feelings of fright
For trusting you is something
I am convinced I CAN do
I Love You!
Real Life Fairytale
By: Megan Flower
September 20, 2009
Stay in Tune
So it may be possible that I'm 'on the air' next week. I'll keep you tuned. In the meantime, you can tune in to 104.5 Fredericton or and listen on-line. By the way, I came up with a title for the radio spots: "Stay in Tune." They will air every day, twice a day -- morning and evening. At least that's what he told me today.
Concerning the sermons I'm preparing -- I'm speaking on Sunday morning (10:30) at Morning Gate Church, 71 Morning Gate Drive, and in the evening at 6:30 at a "Come as You Are" event that Max is having at Nashwaaksis Baptist Church, 104 Edgewood Drive. My topics? In the morning: "Consider it All Joy,' and in the evening, "More Than a Survivor." I will also sing, God willing. Would appreciate your prayers in the next few days as I try to pull all this together! My goodness, life is full lately. And God is gracious... Love it...
Well, I guess it's time for cinnamon toast again, now isn't it?
Tuesday, 3 November 2009
New Beginnings
I'm trying to stay awake after a busy four days away at Greenhill Lake Camp womens' retreat. When you're at retreat, you are in a bubble. It's like the rest of the world doesn't exist. I cooked, cleaned, did dishes, registration, handled money, listened to the conference speaker (Anne Grant), and did not sleep much. It was a great weekend for me personally, as I released a LOT of emotion concerning this past year, and gained hope for the future. I cried many healing tears over the weekend, and my friends were there to hug me and encourage me. Isn't that what friends are for? I was even asked to go to Bahamas next April and speak at a womens' conference, which really blessed my heart.
Nurse Cherry and I cleaned up the lodge and cabins today. I worked for a few hours in the kitchen and she stripped beds that we had made for 20 women from the Bahamas that attended the retreat. We packed everything into the Cherrymobile and headed for town. But as we entered into Keswick (wherever that is), I instructed Cherry to pull the mobile into a parking lot and we entered a church to find Janet White #1's 'chickens' (as she refers to this group of wild and wonderful women) having coffee, muffins and vegetables. We decided we were hungry, and took advantage of this free fare, and indulged our aching bellies. The chickens were so gracious to allow these two nomadic cleaners to partake of their café offerings. Alas, we were unable to connect with Janet White #1, as she was late for the luncheon, and I'm still looking for my elusive friend. I hope she will call me before she goes to Israel this month. I want to tell her that I want to be a chicken, too.
Cherry and I continued on to unload food and laundry galore at Jessica's house and finally to my house. Heated up some soup, had lunch at 3 o'clock, and off Nurse Cherry went back to Europe. She called later and said it took her about 15 minutes to get there. Wow, what a car she has. Honestly.
I taught three students and literally flew to choir. By this time, I am bordering on tiredness and grabbed the first coat I could find, along with my Birkenstock sandals. I squeaked out the second soprano parts and felt like I swallowed a box of chalk the whole evening. Beth commented on my apparel as we walked out of the school, that she had never seen a person wear a coat with fur and sandals before. Well, there's always a first time, and I wanted to be the first.
I really need to go to bed, and I've been saying that a lot lately. But first, I must go down to the kitchen and see if there is any food there for me to eat. Perhaps one of the Keswick chickens will be there preparing a snack for me. You never know. In spirit, anyway. Thanks, girls, for your hospitality today.
This weekend was one of new beginnings. I felt it in my spirit, and this morning when Nurse Cherry and I started our day of cleaning demolition on the camp premises, we heard birds singing as if it was spring, and the weather was spring like as well. I had a spring in my step and felt like my joy is returning.
Praise God for new beginnings. I was so happy that I gave a parting gift to Mrs. Flick Flack – a pan of apple crumble. I love giving parting gifts, and if you've been the recipient of one of them, you know that they tend to be strange (e.g., like when I gave Angie a microwave last winter?) Now I'm rambling again, and I have ten thousand thoughts in my head of stuff to do and people to see, so I'll go make some cinnamon toast and go to bed.
!Deb of New Beginnings
Friday, 30 October 2009
Psalm 3:5
Each new day of life is a precious gift from God. Most of us know that in our minds. But we don’t always live and react like we do. Many cancer survivors reflect on the fragileness and uncertain pathways of life. They realize that each breath we take and each step we make are granted to us by a loving, caring creator, a creator who wants us to find goodness and joy in each of them. Never forget that God has given you a special and wondrous gift with this day. Always know that God is with you to sustain you and to share blessings with you in every moment you have on this earth.
When my eyes open each new morning, I am reminded that the day is a gracious gift from you. I pray to use this gift gratefully and joyfully for you, O God. Amen.
(Taken from, a daily devo I receive)
This morning I'm packing for the weekend and will disappear to Greenhill Lake for the weekend, where I will do registration, listen to Anne Grant, cook, perhaps sing, and get a bit of sleep. It will be nice to see everyone who attends, and get away for a weekend. I am thankful that I am able to do so much, but I must learn how to pace myself. You've always had this problem, haven't you !Deb?
PS: The other day I was offered a daily 'thought' program on CJRI, so will begin working on that (I think I may call it "Stay in Tune" Appropriate, perhaps, considering my musical background?). The half hour show I told you about (which I hope to call "Soul Cafe") I am still developing and will do it when I have it planned. You can tune it to 104.5 or
Stay in Tune
Tuesday, 27 October 2009
Flu Shot Mania Plus
It must have been a combination of the 'ammo' from the 'mammo' I had this morning, and the H1N1 flu shot I had directly afterwards that caused me to have yet another day of mania. After these two procedures, I commenced a full day of various activities:
- Home Hardware to buy a sculpture floral picture for my living room wall with my birthday money (it's taken me awhile to find something I like);
- Drove to Greenhill Lake Camp with Jessica to prepare for women's retreat this weekend;
- Unloaded a large amount of groceries and filed them in the kitchen and fridge
- Made many bunkbeds with Jessica. We really learned to appreciate Nurse Cherry, who usually does this job. And I'm sure we are sore tonight;
- Transported a microwave to the nurse's cabin where Doug and I will stay for the weekend;
- Drove back to town for 3:30 to teach, but decided to create yet another banana bread for the weekend;
- Taught two students til 6:00;
- Didn't think I had enough banana bread (even though I made four last week, plus a lemon bread), so made two more breads;
- Peeled organic apples and made applesauce;
- Planned my soup;
- Fed Doug supper;
- Called the radio station to talk about my show with a fellow DJ;
- Doug & I went to Superstore to get groceries for my soup making/apple crumble day tomorrow (as well as teaching);
- Print out registration form for weekend retreat;
- Tried to find autotext feature on computer so I could tell Max who needs this info, but alas, I cannot find it. Linda, help?
- Wash dishes
- Go to bed sometime and hopefully sleep
Thank you for the full day, Lord, and the energy to get through it. Is this the same day since this morning? Sometimes I think that at the end of a day.
Monday, 26 October 2009
Brenda J. came for coffee this morning. She leaves for Florida this Sunday. Lucky gal. For five months! Have fun, B. Arrived at the radio station at 11:30. Ross saw me and said, "Oh, there you are, come in here and do the commercial." So I did. I read it through once, then a sound check, then once through and after a couple of tips from Ross, it was a go. He said it was perfect and that I had a great 'female voice.' Glad to know that, considering I am a female. I went out and asked Gord, "Well, boss, what's next?" (How did I get here anyway?) He had me start working on the 8,000 song database. I updated 27 songs and artists, listening and researching on the internet for tidbits of info that I could put in the database so that the DJ can have information at his/her fingertips. I also get to know the artists this way when I do my own show (smile)… Before I left, Gord asked me if I was still interested in having a weekly praise show of my own. I said yes, of course, not knowing why, but I think this has been a dream of mine. So, he told me to take it and run with it. I think I'll call it The Soul Café. And the live events I'll call The Soul Café Live. Now I have to brainstorm and pray about this new venture. I'll let you know when it's up and running.
Pray about my mammo tomorrow morning: 8:45…thanks everyone.
Sunday, 25 October 2009
The Soul Cafe
It's been another full day, but another good one. Oh, I love good days, don't you? Church and leading the music this morning, out to lunch at Jack & Andy's (it's becoming a fav place) with Anne & Laurel. Reg & Lin, AJ& Betty were there, too and hugs were given all around. Good to see them again. Remember AJ's soup – how addicted I was to it this past winter during my chemo treatments? Perhaps he'll think to bring me a flask of soup or something sometime. Just in case he's reading, I'm still eating soup.
Stopped at the radio station on the way home to give them an announcement for tonight's event, and they put me on the radio! You never know what's going to happen to you, do you? It was fun. Came home and prepared for the evening at The Soul Café, which I did at Morning Gate Church, since our home is a bit small for a larger crowd. We had a good number there – upwards of 30, I think. We sang and sang and rested in the love of God. A time of refreshing, and I was refreshed. I hope others were, too.
Well, it's 10 o'clock and time for the PJs once again. I've not had a rest today, so hoping for a good one. Tomorrow I go to the radio station to work on a commercial and who knows what else. Today, Barry asked me if I'd come in and play the piano some Saturday morning on his live show. Now that's a stretch, but I guess it wouldn't be any different than this evening, where I played live for 2 hours. Just a wider audience, I guess. All around the world. Check out CJRI FM – you might just hear me doing a commercial or some other such thing. The other day, M. asked me to read the children's story I wrote on her radio show ("The Princess & the Cowboy"). And Gord asked me to start working on the song database so I can familiarize myself with the music, in preparation for my own show. Now slow down a bit! I feel like I'm on a fast track or something. This past week has included an orphanage in Romania/Moldova; radio station work; The Soul Café, transcription services for doctors, and flu shot mania. I don't know where to turn next, and yes, Mom, I'm taking it easy, or at least trying to. One thing at a time, and one day at a time. It's like God is opening doors everywhere and opening up my dreams. I pray that I will honor and bless Him in all I do.
Saturday, 24 October 2009
Saturday Clean Up
Thursday, 22 October 2009
Flu Shot Mania
It was a manic day, and it wasn't even Monday. The day started out at 6 AM, when I awoke for the third time in the night. So I decided to go to my office, turn on the fireplace and read. I read Acts 28, where Paul was bitten by a snake and expected to die, but he shook it off and continued on with his life and ministry. Seems to me I read this about a year ago, and today it came to mind again. I want to believe that this passage is for me now – I have been bitten by the snake of cancer and am now through treatment. I need to shake it off and continue on with my life and ministry. So that's what I want to do now.
At 9:30 I went to Smythe Street ladies' Bible study and led music, and then took off to Dr. T's office (Dr. Troy Randall, I call him Dr. T.; he laughs whenever I call him that). Doug met me there. Dr. T. gave me a flu shot and we talked to him a bit about various and sundry things. I think the flu shot made me manic, though, because here's what I did after that:
- To Tony's Music Box to pick up my Taylor guitar which was in for repairs;
- A stop by Rick's office at Washburn & Associates;
- Read's Magazine & Coffee stand for magazines and coffee;
- Reitmans in Kings Place mall, where I simply stood outside the store and encountered several friends (Ruth, Brenda & G J., Max), and engaged in several conversations (this happens to me in the Superstore as well. Doug thinks I should set up a booth, sort of like Lucy on Charlie Brown. Good idea, Doug. I could charge 5 cents for advice, perhaps. Or I could pay people 5 cents for their advice);
- In to Reitmans to try on a few clothes that I had put on reserve with the saleslady. This is the same store that Nat & I went to the morning of my benefit concert in May. Well, while I was trying on clothes today, Abba's Dancing Queen song blared over the intercom. I chuckled and felt like dancing. Just for me, I thought – God, you're good! You know I'm in here trying on jeans and you sent my favorite song to me in my favorite store! I bought a pair of hip jeans for a hip dancing queen who likes to dance occasionally;
- Over to have Bengal spice tea, cheese and apples with one of the Bobbsey Twins at her house, where we had animated discussion. She left me sitting at her counter writing a recipe while she took off in her car on a paper mission. I let myself out after stealing a small chocolate bar from a box on her counter;
- To Chapters to look for Mitch Albom's new book, but decided it was too expensive, and left with Max Lucado's new book, "Fearless," instead;
- To Jack & Andy's restaurant to meet Elaine K. for dinner and discuss a mission for young women in Moldova (Russia);
- To the furniture store to check out a kitchen table and chairs for The Soul Café;
- Back to Tony's Music Box, where I called my mother and had her come over in the pouring rain, so I could show her a piano I thought she would like. She came over, played it for awhile and bought it. Michael and I worked on some chord arrangement ideas for Somewhere Over the Rainbow (hey, it's a rainbow…just noticed that; I usually see rainbows every day. Yesterday I saw one in one of my student's eyeglasses, for goodness' sakes!) I always chuckle and smile whenever I see rainbows in strange places. They just keep appearing, like signs from God to me that He will preserve my life. Doug decided he'd had enough – he took off for home. I think he was getting tired of my mania. I stayed and checked out a teaching guitar, talked to Repairman Dave about whether my old guitar could be healed. He didn't think there was much hope for it, so I left with an inexpensive new teaching/traveling guitar (yes, Nat, believe it or not. My old guitar just wasn't working anymore; it wouldn't stay in tune. Jon dropped it and broke its neck years ago). I've had so many guitars since I was 14 that I've lost count. Probably 14 guitars, no doubt. Anyway, Taylor guitar has a new baby sister;
- Almost twelve hours later, I arrived home, had a shower and donned the PJs.
- Doug is sleeping in the chair; it must be time for bed soon. I hope I sleep tonight.
The flu shot made me manic and it isn't even Monday. Tomorrow I need to try and stay home, although I have to go to York Manor at 2 to play the piano for Anglican communion for the seniors. One thing about my life, it's never boring, that's for sure. Good night.